Water Under the Bridge

In these dry times, every drop counts. The issue of water bills, water leaks, and the cost of leaks are always an issue with the City of Lumberton. Last night, there was concern about the loss of revenue from the water leaks at Frank Lee Homes. The previous adminsitration felt that the installation of water meters would help increase the revenue for the city, and justify their pay increase. When the issue of the water meters came before the board,there was oppositon to this measure, but those that were elected to represent the concerns of the residents of Frank Lee Homes did not consider our stance on the issue. We told the board that once the meters were installed, MRHA would not be culpable for the leaks,and the burden would fall on the tenants. Our concerns have been realized, and now the board is scrambling to find a way to address the issue. I informed the board of this possible issue, and I submitted a letter to the Lamar Times regarding this problem, but the measure to install the water meters passed, and now they have a quandry regarding the excessive number of leaks at Frank Lee Homes. Too many times, the board makes knee jerk decisions that leave the residents of Lumberton vulnerable to their bulnders. The city was getting paid for the amount of water used at Frank Lee Homes regardeless of leaks, but now they are having to accept the loss of hundreds of dollars in funds becasue they jumped the gun for a short term solution to a long term problem. I don't think the people we elect realize the burden they place on the citizens that elected them. We have not passed the six month mark of this new administration, and we still have a budget crisis, a legal battle regarding the airport, a building and code enforcer that is not willing to work with the planning and zoning committee, a case of discrimination,the inability to purchase a replacement door for the police department and the possible loss of our volunteer fire department. I can't wait to see what happens next, but I'm sure the board will eventually get on one accord. Unfortunately, we might have to wait for the next election before they consider what's best for the City of Lumberton.


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