Here We Go Again. . .

Is this what it's going to take to make a difference in our communiy? The other day, I was talking with someone about the young people and their water balloon fights, and I said that if that is the extent of their mischief, then I would buy them some balloons. Today, I found out that the balloons are filled with water and bleach. Now, we have a group of children, throwing bleach-filled water balloons at cars that are passing by. People say that we forget what it's like to be a child, but I don't remember having such deviant thoughts as a child. When I was growing up, we had ball games to attend, dances (record hops) and other activities. There is so much going on in their destructive minds. I see them everday, getting off the school bus without any books, and they are usually on their cell phones or using some sort of expletive to convey a message to someone that is clearly hard of hearing.
We are a city of ordinances, but no order. When we had a full police force, the board passed a curfew ordinance, but it was never enforced. Now we have a police shortage, and even more chaos. I know this problem does not rest entirely on the shoulders of the Lumberton Police Department. The parents (or should I say birthing vessels because if they were parents, they would be more concerned about the whereabouts of their offspring) are also responsible. I don't know what could be done to correct this matter, but we are in for a long, hot summer if something is not done soon to curtail this deviant behavior.


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