Review of Special Called Meeting: June 27, 2014

There was a special called meeting held tonight. There was one agenda item...."Order to discuss and vote to have an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters for the Cit of Lumberton." The mayor and board members went into the back room and held a 45 minute discussion about something. We don't know what was discussed because Mayor Winston never exited the executive session to inform the citizens about what they decided to discuss; which is an ethics violation. I guess it's time to submit formal complaints because these violations are not getting addressed or directed. When the board members exited the session, the city clerk was instructed to read what was discussed. After 45 minutes of discussion, the board decided they're going to make budget cuts in every department and they will be meeting again on Monday, June 30, 2014 @ 6 to make a decision on the proposed cuts prior to the regular meeting that will be held the following day. Last I heard, the City of Lumberton does not have a prepared budget. So I'm wondering what guide are they planning to use when making budget these budget cuts since they don't have an accurate budget prepared. I guess we will see on Monday. Have a great weekend.


  1. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how they are going to cut the budget without a budget it's a people cut.


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