Too Many Hidden Agendas Hindering Progress

Ron Paul is known for many things, including the quote,
"Truth is treason in the empire of lies. "
I think the quote is apropos when describing the current mindset of most elected officials in Lumberton. It seems that truth is shunned. Months ago, Mayor Winston went on a tirade saying this blog was preventing Lumberton from getting business but somehow, despite this blog, the City of Lumberton was selected by the Army Corp of Engineers for a possible grant. Just a few weeks ago, this board spot zoned a sect of land for a business that's allegedly looking to open in Lumberton. Personally, I think it was a calculated move by Winston to get the land rezoned so his "business associate" can charge more for the land but we will have to wait and see. The only business people that are frightened by the things I uncover in this blog are the ones with questionable business practices like Richard Rose and John Shavers. When these modern day snake oil salesmen come to Lumbeton promising miraculous outcomes, I simply Google their names and find the red flags that should have been detected by the city administration. At this point, it's difficult to determine when we took a wrong turn on the road of progress but the elected officials can't continue to put their heads in the sand while blaming their faults on those that actually take a few moments to research the names placed on the agenda.

One of Lumberton's problems is the blame game. Each administration likes to blame the previous administration instead of getting an audit, reviewing the budget and make better decisions. However, many of these suggestions are hindered when the city clerk lacks profiency when it comes to her duties. I know there are a lot of people that were not pleased with the previous board but we had a fully staffed police department, a fire department that responded to all emergency calls and a clerk that knew how to use BBI. There were some dark moments during with the last board but thankfully, we survived. One would think after the Hideous Reign of Hobson, the citizens of Lumberton would know that elections have consequences. Sadly, most of the people elected in Lumberton are in office based on a combination of popularity and apathy. Less than 35% of registered voters participated in the last election and people wonder why our city is in such bad shape. Unfortunately, almost every elected official currently serving has an agenda and it does not include the progression of Lumberton.

To this day, I don't know Jay McGraw's agenda. After getting elected during a special election, McGraw was a rambunctious representative that didn't shy away from challenging the motives of The Oreo Trio (Bobby Gibson, Kent Crider and Timothy Johnson). Fast forward to another administration, with another mayor, McGraw went from a maverick to becoming an essential part of a voting block that I call The Reverse Oreo (Jay McGraw, Tommy Dukes and Kent Crider). For the last 12 years, the City of Lumberton has been goverened by a block of three votes and that's one of the reasons why our city continues to falter; a lack of unity. Unless we get on one accord, this house will continue to fall.

Kent Crider's agenda is to have contol over the fire department. He's not concerned that members of the LVFD are not responding to calls or the fact that a decreased fire rating will cause insurance rates for every homeowner in Lumberton to increase. At this point, it seems that Crider's main focus is to keep Jerry Walters off the fire department. Sadly, the citizens suffer because of this alleged agenda. The final token in the Reverse Oreo Trio is Tommy Dukes. Based on his presence at the meetings and his advancement in Winston's economic development group, Dukes is literally in Ben's pocket. Dukes vote for anything supported by Winston. Whenever Winston wants his hinchmen to fall in line, he belts out his favorite phrase, "we only need three votes." At a recent meeting, Dukes wanted to know about taxes from Azalea Gardens Apartments and Winston told Dukes not to worry about that and like an obedient puppy on a very short leash, Dukes tucked his tail and went to his figurative corner.

Alderwoman at Large Cora Rogers also has an agenda; she wants to be mayor. She has her own voice but it's easy to see that she has other plans. It's my belief that she's hoping Winston gets elected as supervisor so she can fill his spot. Little does she know, if Ben is somehow able to convince enough voters to vote for him again, she would be mayor for a few weeks. At some point, a special election would be held to select a new mayor. Of course these are just speculations but there's a reason why everyone is not on the same page. The only person without an agenda, other than doing what's best for Lumberton, is Quincy Rogers. Hopefully, they will learn to use the wisdom Quincy acquired during his years of service to get Lumberton back on track. We all know Winston's agenda, aside from spot zoning, unofficially hiring embattled former city managers to prepare budgets and disregarding laws governing code charter municipalities, is to get back into that County office. He's not fiscally resposible with our little budget, what makes him think anyone would consider him a good steward over a larger budget. Besides, he's not willing to put the best in charge of day to day activities and there's no indication he's planning on improving.


  1. If the City of Lumberton are able to receive the 2.5 Million in Grant it will only fix so much because that is not enough money to complete the problems with the Sewer and Water for the City. I am thinking that the Board will decide to put sewer down on 13 for Property value for the Mayor and his Friends and he will included Jay, Tommie, and Kent in on the money deal and don't forget Merlene she is in on it. We will see if the plan to come together for them. I am sure they are waiting to make the Bank Deposits. I wish Lumberton had a few good people who care about their City and make a stand, but they know you will not come together. I guess it's to much hate and that's ashame.

  2. Since you're pretending not to know what Jay is getting out of voting for Ben's projects let me help you out. Jay votes with the other 2 idiots in exchange for police protection. The police look the other way when they see Jay driving under the influence. I don't know what's his drug of choice but he's either drunk or on some serious pain medication. You can tell from the way he behaves on those videos you post. Here's another spoiler alert for you. Jay was the one that keyed your car at city hall. I was in the parking lot when he came out. He was parked right next to you. I saw him fumbling with his keys and then he looked up to see if anyone was looking and then scratched the side of your car before getting in his jeep. When he started to leave I started up my car and flashed my lights and he looked over and waved at me and kept going. Apparently you struck a nerve that night.

    1. You say you witnessed my car getting keyed but didn't come forth with the information. Shows a lack of integrity to me and for that reason, I can't believe anything in the comment you posted. I think people that witness crimes and say nothing are just as guilty as those committing the crime.

  3. Wow, that's so sad, it like we are in Kindergarten. Please people grow up. Scratching someone car is crazy.
    Lumberton Informer that is small stuff for you. You didn't get upset so it was no pleasure for Jay. Jay grow up and get a life that doesn't involving hating are trying to hurt someone. When you run for office you should expect citizens voicing their opinions. Look at how people treat the President. I guess he would have a lot of cars to scratch.

  4. I know you're pro LPD but are you going to blog about the officer that supposedly touched a woman I appropriately at her job?

    1. I'm pro protection of the city. I am not a cop hater and I don't judge every officer based on one person's experience. I've always been law abiding and tried to do the right thing but that didn't stop me from getting arrested for a parking ticket. But there's almost a million dollars of uncollected fines. I'm not familiar with any case against an officer but there are avenues for a legal resolution. If the matter becomes public or is addressed at a board meeting, then I will possibly share the details. For now, I'm going to leave this matter alone.

  5. Look like the Mayor and his crew are putting all their ducks in a row. I am waiting to see the end results, spot zoning, sewer and water grant. What else they have plan. My money is on the Mayor. He is a dirty man and sometimes you have to get a little dirty and not be concerned about others, just get yours.

    1. They say you never win when you play dirty but he did win the election. It looks like all his plans for Lake Lumberton are coming together. What's that verse about gaining the world and losing your soul? Sometimes being dirty is not worth it.

  6. What Officer and when did that happen?

  7. Was it Merlene?? lol

  8. Dirty politics has always been around and it is standing strong and what soul its been sold to the highest bid along time ago. He didn't need it and I think they sold it on ebay.

  9. No, He sold it on Craig's list.

  10. I was talking with some friends today and come to find out they read the Lumberton Informer blog. You have a lot of silent readers. He are laughing ourselves to death on the soul going up for sell on ebay, that was funny!!!


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