Today is Christmas Eve and as we prepare to spend time with our families, I would like to take a break from the debacle of the Special Call Election and wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas!

Hopefully you have all your shopping completed and didn’t forget to purchase batteries. After you’ve opened your Christmas gifts, make sure you’re keeping them safe. Do not leave boxes for new electronics or big ticket items by the curb. Break down any boxes you are throwing out, put them in garbage bags and place them inside a trash can. Consider keeping broken down boxes inside until the morning of garbage pick-up (Monday, December 28, 2015).

Just a reminder, residents of Lumberton can cast absentee ballots at City Hall on Saturday, December 26, 2015 from 8:00 am until Noon. According to state law, the absentee ballots are supposed to be ready at least 7 days prior to the run-off election. Unfortunately, Crider and Wall were attempting to thwart a run-off election by trying to apply the guidelines of a general election to a special election. If you need a ride to city hall on Saturday give me a call or send me a message via my Facebook page or the Lumberton Informer. Please keep the officers and other emergency personnel working during the Christmas holiday in your prayers. I pray that you have a happy and safe holiday this year!


  1. Be careful Lumberton your true colors are showing. There's so many people that are trying to bash Jonathsn Griffith but he's the one fighting for Lumberton. So wgat you don't like some of the things he says but don't try to blame him for anonymous comments. Jonathsn reminds me of Paul preaching to the Church in Corinth. He's giving you the truth but you are so used to sugar coating that you can't swallow. Was I upset when the poll workers were accused of being less than professional? Yes but when there's a torn ballot in the trash, a picture of someone living in Gattiesburg voting in Lumberton and people voting that should gave been purged because they've been inactive for 10 years it's no longer important that I knew these women growing up. It's important that the election is without blemish. For over a week Kent Crider was going around town in his mortician suit proclaiming he's the winner. He even found an attorney general opinion that supported his claim. He was all over the news giving out this incorrect information. With one blog post, Jonathan broke it down and presented the law not an opinion and he was right but many of you reject his knowledge because of the color of his skin. Kent has been on the board 6 years but a blogger knew more about the election process. Looks to me that Kent's experience does not natter much. Another thing, Kent has been in office 6 years. If he was working to get jobs and a hospital here why are we just hearing about it? I hope the people of Lumberton wake up. Kent is why we have no police. Kent is why fines aren't getting collected. Kent is why Merlene treats customers so bad and never gets the water bills right. If you like the way you're treated at city hall by the clerks and the board members then Kent is the one for you but I want to know what's in the budget. I want to know why there's three clerks in one office. I want an accurate water bill. I want jobs returned to Lumberton. I want us to pick up our own trash. I want the city to make more than $350 a month from renting an entire airport. I want to know what they're hiding in executive session. I want someone that's not afraid to stand up for the citizens. I want Jonathsn Geiffirh to be our next mayor and you should too. With Jonathsn in office most board members and office workers will resign and we will have the fesh start we need.

    1. You are right ppl are trying to say Jay Griff shouldn't be elected cause he says things that ppl can't handle. THE a registered voters in this election and I want to know what is trying to be hidden by the board. Things posted after the first election showed that something wasn't right and Jay fought to get the truth. Once things was posted ppl couldn't help theirself they jumped to conclusion that they(or a family member)were being targeted. As the facts unfolded and the truth was put out there that things were done to make sure that who city hall wanted to win. I just pray that God hears the prays of many that have been through Lumberton great years and want to see Lumberton strive again. I pray that whoever wins this election God puts him there to make changes for the city. So we as tax payers know what has been going on and what can change us to move forward and build up like our surrounding neighbors. It doesn't matter of the color skin he is in just so he is in office for the citizens and not just for his self.

  2. It's so funny that Ben Winston, Tommy Dukes and Cora Rogers are campaigning for Kenr Crider but Buster Crider wouldn't allow their black asses in his store. The Crider's have a long history of hating blacks and these coons are working for massah. Modern day house n******!

  3. Like Harriet Tubman said I freed thousands of staves and I could have freed a thousand more had they known they were skaves. There's so many slaves in Lumberton, black and white. People have complained about city hall and how they're treated and the fact that there's no jobs. If it wasn't for Jonathsn we wouldn't know half the stuff going on but now you're offended because he hurt your feelings. Tell me what lie he told about the voting process, about city hall, about Merlene, Ben, Tommy, Cora and Kent? In case you didn't know they're all working to cover each other behinds and they know Jonsthsn will expose their hack room deals and that's why they're campaigning for Kent. You people better wake up because Kent will gave you back on the plantation and he's using the help, Tommy, Cota and Ben to do it. Jonathsn is the best choice for mayor. Period.

  4. I got a copy of the voter signature sheet you left at the library. I spent all night looking at the signatures and I noticed that the pastors of Sweet Beulah, Rehoboth and Gateway were absent as well as most of their members. It's funny that these pastors are also veterans but didn't vote. I guess their allegiance to Ben trumps tbeir allegiance to the voting process. One of the biggest threats to the black community is black pastors because they're swayed by the highest bidder. Thanks to Rev. Perry Holder and Rev. Curtis Merritt and Elder Terry Herron for their bravery. I don't know how how you voted but I'm glad you voted. Jonathan you might need to join one of their churches.

    1. I made copies of the voter sign in sheet so people can know who didn't and who didn't vote. It wasn't copied to shame anyone. It was copped so people can go to the people not listed and encourage them to vote in the run-off election. I take voting seriously and I hope you use the information to encourage others not to embarrass them. People see what this city has become with Crider in control and he's done nothing to improve Lumberton. In my opinion, that's reason enough to vote for me. What can Crider accomplish in 2 years that he couldn't accomplish in 6? It is my prayer that people love Lumberton more than they hate me and I would blog, demand accountability, research laws, look for solutions and put my neck on the line if I didn't liove a Lumberton. There's been too much division. Please vote and help Move Lumberton Forward.

    2. It is shameful for people to be so stupid after receiving information otherwise I would have said ignorant. Lumberton has become a ghost town because of greed and selfishness. Most of the people in Lumberton are good hard working people that looks for the best in people, but sometimes the people you expect the best out of lets you down. I am not sure but it was rumored that some of the ministers had told their members not to vote for Johnathan Griffith I was sorrowful, and the reason is Johnathan is promoting accountability and transparency two things that the Word of God promotes. If the ministers don't stand for truthfulness, accountability and transparency they are like hypocrits. I get tired of the race card always coming up but the mentality of alot of people is stuck in the past. Do we as citizens continue to accept lies and dead promises as some expect. Are is this the time to say enough is enough and in order to start having any progress we need someone who is not afraid of speaking the truth and standing in the truth. I am one that can say I have not went to board meetings like I should but Johnathan has been faithful in informing citizens of what takes place at city hall. The week I went it was shameful no progress same old same old nothing. I thought it was pityful. To the younger generation it is time to get involved and support those that will help you not give a ear to falsification because there has been so much talk about what..Nothing has come to Lumberton because there are those that are so greedy that asked for the votes of citizens with blank promises. I have followed Johnathans page and even though some things he says are not comfortable and are not liked by many it seems he is at least being truthful. The truth is not always pretty but it is truth. If we really want Lumberton to start reflecting some life we must vote Tuesday December 29, 2015 for no one but Johnathan Griffith. Johnathan has kept citizens informed and he does know the law and he is very intelligent. Even though people want to say negative things about Johnathan I respect his transparency and love for the place where he was born Lumberton, Ms. Johnathan continue to keep us informed.The Lord will be the true and final judge because many can deceive those around them, but the heart God knows. Keep your head up continue with truthfullness, transparency, and accountability.

  5. It's said that the so-called Christians are the ones destroying this town. I heard there were ministers yelling from their pulpits for people not to vote for Jonathon. How sad. This town is drowning in unforgiveness. That's why nothing can come to this city because our fists are clinched. I'm
    Still trying to figure out what Jonathan has done besides tell the truth and fight for accountability. Is that the problem? No one can tell me why they hate him but they act like he made up the videos from the meetings. They tell the story. Jonathon proved he's the smarter candidate when he blogged about the laws of a special election while Kent with his 6 years of experience tried to steal the election with an opinion. One things for certain, Jonathan is not going to sugar coat anything and with him in office we will finally get some truthful answers. Wasn't it Jonathon that told us the $2.5 million dollar grant was a bust? It was supposed to be started in September but it's the end of the year. Where the jobs they promised? Jonathan may not be your favorite but he's the mayor we need.


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