Pearls Before Swine: Time to Clear the Water

Apples don't fall far from the tree. On Tuesday, when I arrived at city hall, there was a meeting in progress. As I rushed to go live, Danny "Daniel" Davis aka Triple D was raising more hell than a peg leg man on a tin roof because he realized he's finally disposable. Triple D has spent 30 years destroying the Public Works Department, making sure he never hire anyone that's capable of taking over the reigns of the Public Works Department. In other words, he stacked the deck to ensure he's always in control. When the board woke up and finally grew weary of the complaints about "certain" cemeteries not getting proper maintenance, reports of people taking home the city owned lawn mowers to cut their grass, water meters not getting read and Danny's perpetual cry that he's understaffed. I think we've had reports of water leaks for the past 10 years. At some point it seems like the leaks would be fixed. Sadly, there's little trust in the those that are responsible for reading our water meters and here's why.

Yesterday, someone posted a response to my report about the fact that outsourcing the WSOM department to Clearwater was a good idea. The person said the people working in the Public Works Department are responsible for the shape of the city and I must agree but I don't think he realized what he stated. Poor tink tink. Anyway. He feel that no one should say anything about the Public Works employees because he's apparently related to one or more of the employees. His responses are coming up next in this post. As I have stated before, those that are critical of my blog read the blog but they don't comprehend the blog. In the statement about Clearwater, I said the Public Works Department employees are the backbone of the city and they're working in very horrid conditions but they're so blinded with hate for me they can't see the truth. Danny Davis probably fed them so much bullshit that they probably use plungers as toothbrushes. While they're focused on trying to dissect my blog, they need to take some time to look at the videos from Tuesday night's meeting. When the employees were present, Danny Davis was acting outraged but as soon as he noticed they were gone, he was back on his hands and knees, ready to lick Tommy Dukes boot or booty in order to secure his position. Danny Davis don't care about this city or his employees and they're too blind to see. I love it when I see slaves defending their master because I realize some people don't know the meaning of free.

Now one of Danny's field hands felt he could chime in and make threats online because he think his massah will protect him. The temerity of some people. The fact that a person that's working a part-time job is willing to put it on the line because he think his privilege outweighs my rights. As I stated in the posts, I don't care if you disagree with me but I don't take threats lightly. And this is one of the main reasons we need Clearwater to take over the WSOM department. The fact that we have city employees that behave in such a hedonistic manner is all the justification needed to outsource the Public Works Department. Why are we still hanging on to an antiquated system of workers who think they're untouchable. You can't behave in any manner and think there's no consequences to their actions. I would be fine if it was one or two employees but there's too many employees on the Public Works payroll that think they're not subject to the rules of the City of Lumberton handbook and that's unacceptable. No wonder there's a problem with many of the resident's water bills. Look at the vitriolic statements and behavior they display. If they don't have integrity in the things they say what's going to cause them to conduct themselves with integrity when they're reading out water bills. If they don't like the person, they can affix any amount they choose and they know nothing will be done. That's why it's time to get a new management team.

When I spoke to the representative for Clearwater, he said they're going to provide uniforms, a pay raise, 401K, vacation time, sick leave and other benefits. I think the Clearwater management team will also provide us with a complaint process that won't be tabled for months. The only thing Clearwater is requesting is that all employees pass a drug test and have a high school diploma or GED. I don't think it's too much to ask to have people that are supposed to read our meters to have a minimum education. So, are the employees afraid they're not going to be able to pass a drug test or the 5th grade math test? Clearwater is the clear solution. Danny and his henchmen have fractured this city long enough. It's time for the Lumberton Board of Alderpersons to finally make a decision that's best for the city and not for a select few.


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