Blogging vs Journalism

There are times when the mentally challenged muster up enough gumption and attempt to tell me that I should be ashamed of the things I blog about. They say that it's not based on facts, that I like to stir the pot, I'm not a journalist and I shouldn't allow certain things to be posted on my blog. There are a select few that says if I allow a comment to be posted on my blog, then I agree with the comment because I didn't delete the comment. How stupid! The things I say and believe are listed under my name. Now, if the City of Lumberton wasn't filled with so many cowardly people, I wouldn't have to monitor the comments, but since no one wants to register, because they want to say vile things they would never have the audacity to say without hiding behind their sheet of anonymity,I have a fellow blogger review/approve the comments because I don't want to be biased in what I select. But the point I wanted to make was the news threads that are often filled with hate on the WDAM facebook page, make the things said on Lumberton Informer look like child's play. Generally, whenever something about Lumberton or Mayor Holder is posted on WDAM, there are hundreds of comments, but this week's story only received 14 comments. So, in order to drum up traffic on their page, WDAM posted a story about the Ku Klux Klan wanting to adopt a highway. The story is from a small, mostly white township in Georgia, and until this story was picked up by the media, the residents probably would have approved the petition from the Klan to adopt the highway. Tyler Jackson started the conversation off with "The racial arguments this thread starts should be fun to watch!" Then, Gary D. Smith started the race baiting with "Don't agree with the Klan's agenda, but this is a free country! If they want to put out the money and effort to keep a highway clean; so be it! They no more racist that the NAACP, ACLU,Black Panthers or The JUSTICE DEPT. !!" Ann McWilliams said "Let them adopt the highway so the state can avoid a lawsuit, then every Black organization in the state should purchase billboards along that mile of highway just to piss them off. I'd also consider that the one mile of highway in the country where it would be acceptable to throw trash out of my car window, since those hood wearing idiots are responsible for cleaning it." Lynn Herndon Dungan chimed in with "We are loosing our freedom more everyday with that fool in the Whitehouse, I think they have the right just as much as anybody else. NAACP, and Black panther party fools would not be denied!!!!" The insults go on and on until it gets to the point where WDAM give their obligatory "Remember everyone, discuss the issue, not each other. Thanks." and the hate filled remarks continue. This matter of forum goes on all the time on WDAM's facebook page, but they're considered "journalists". Now if someone has an issue with a city employee, the hiring practices of the Lumberton School District or the fact that Hobson had such a grip on the city that his "friend" still has a job at Lumberton's city hall, then I'm responsible for those feelings/comments. If that's not the pot calling the kettle black or as the new generation says it, if that's not the slut calling the tramp a whore. I feel that the people have the right to say whatever they want to say on WDAM's facebook page because it's their choice. At least those posting on their page are now cowering behind the cloak of anonymity. But I'm sill trying to figure out how that's more journalistic that what I post. For the most part, the things said at board meetings, the way certain job applications are trashed when others just slip in while the ayor is on sick leave, and the issues with the water bill will never be aired on the news because the only thing they want to show on WDAM is something negative about Mayor Holder which is why I always show chose to go in the other direction. Now, if you want an anestisized version of Lumberton events, there's a section in the Hattiesburg American every Sunday. So, the next time you call into question my audacity for speaking "my truth" I suggest you take a stroll to another page.


  1. It seems to me that ppl are afraid of other ppl seeing their comments. The string of comments under police patrol vs parental control should actually be listed under this topic but that's. Lumberton. I read over the comment about Cindy and I don't think you were attacking Cindy you was just questioning the sneaky way she was hired and the person that led that parade was Stephanie. I don't know what deal you two struck but I think you're doing this blog a disservice by not talking about her dirty deeds and don't get me started on that dirty I'm just an ole country girl who ain't been a girl in many moons that's over the library. They are in public positions and they should be topics of the blog just like any other official.


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