Patrol Report: Why You Running?

Last night, around 10: 30, I was traveling down Myrick Avenue. I had to slow down because there were a bunch of guys walking in the middle of the street. Good thing they were in the street because I didn't see the police cars. Before I could gripe about these bone-heads walking in the middle of the street, the blue lights came on. I was like, I know I wasn't speeding, but they didn't stop me so I kept on rolling. Before I could get my cellphone, someone just took off running and a police officer was right behind him. I don't know what happened or what was going on. I went in the house, closed the blinds and fixed me a cup of Camomile tea with a touch of honey. The other day, I reported about the lack of patrol but last night, the blue light special was handling their business. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered why do people run from the police. There's this culture of young boys that are always saying their "real" this or that (I won't use the terminology), but if you're so "real" why are you running. I've always wondered why are you so big and bad when you're doing your dirt, but when you get caught, you run. I guess that's part of being "real".


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