W.O.L.F. in Sheep's Clothing

Before I start this post let me put on the whole armor of God because I know there are some that are going to say I shouldn't say the things I'm about to say. Jeremiah, in chapter 23, verses 1 and 2 rails against the “shepherds that destroy and scatter his flock”. 1 Timothy 6, verses 3 though 5 calls them depraved men. Jesus calls them ravenous wolves (Matt 7:15). In Acts 20:29-30 Paul refers to them as savage wolves. I know one of the first questions that's going to be asked is "Should I make my complaints against these men and women public? Or is that some how against the teachings of scripture? You know, the usual knee-jerk reaction of “Touch not God’s anointed” or “Don’t put your mouth on the man of God.” Am I being judgmental to rail against them? Am I being disobedient if I post information about them? I don't think so, but if you can show me in the scriptures something different, then I will repent. Yesterday was another, it could only happen in Lumberton, situation occurred. The Sunday School lesson was entitled "Victorious". After leaving Sunday School, I was headed to the place of fellowship. (Are you already confused, well, it can be confusing; especially when a person has to go to another man's house to eat, but that's another story for another day.) I wasn't planning on going to church, I was dropping somebody off and headed back out to Gateway. So, despite what was posted on facebook, I was not put out of church, but rest assured, the leader of Rehoboth did put out a member on yesterday. So, how did we get to this point? Well, I'm glad you asked that question. . . .It all started on June 24, 2012 during the "How Do You Treat God?" Sunday School lesson. Someone made the statement, "these pastors that don't have Sunday School will be held accountable for not giving these children the tools they need to survive in this world." Now, I don't know how a simple statement like that blew up to the extent that would lead a pastor to put a person out of church. Keep in mind, we have been going to Gateway Sunday School for months, and this was not the first time this statement was made, but this time it was different. It seems that someone reported something entirely different and by the time it was told and retold in the households of at least two elders of Rehoboth, the story took on a life of it's own. When I talked to a coupled of trusted ministers about it, they told me. . "First of all, I don't let one member come to me with something another member said. . They went on to say. . it's simple and you don't need a degree to solve this. .but if you're coming to me with something another member said. .then I put the brakes on and bring the other person in the office and you tell me what they said in their presence. . I was thinking to myself, now that's a novel idea but that's not how the matter was handled. On July 1, 2012, the matter had fully blossomed and that's when we were given the "Get Out" sermon. I guess the basis of the sermon was supposed to be open rebuke is better than hidden love, but like I said before, if you're basing you perspective on a lie, then what's the point. Unfortunately, I think it has gotten to the point that it didn't matter if the report was a lie, because when a person wants to get rid of you, any lie will do. Now, let's fast forward to Sunday, July 8, 2012. . I guess the person didn't get the message from last Sunday. I guess she didn't realize the message was not for her to make a choice of where to worship; it was emphatically stated that you cannot worship here. The fact that this person was told where they can and cannot sit is really ironic (you would have to know the backstory regarding the seats to see the irony) So, here's what happened Sunday. .the parts in the brackets are my added comments. WOG: Good morning! Passah: Are you going here? WOG: I'm not here for you; I'm here because God planted me here. Passah: Well, if you're going to go here, you gotta follow MY rules. . WOG: What are YOUR rules? Passah: I'm not talking about that right now. . I don't want you on the front row. WOG: What rules I'm not following? Passah: You have a troubling spirit and I can't focus with you on the front row. [What troubling spirit. .the Spirit of Truth] Passah: I need to you sit on the side like Mrs. Burns or behind Eugene. .I don't like to put nobody out of church. . but. . . WOG: I don't operate from the sidelines. . Passah: I don't like to put nobody out of church but. . WOG: [exits building. ..] So, now Rehoboth can call themselves a church instead of a fellowship because they like their Mother Church (Tabernacle). .they put someone out. . Wait a minute. .I just said how someone repeated something and it went from a fact, to a lie to gossip and I'm doing the same thing by saying Tabernacle put people out. I talked to a member of Tabernacle and she said they didn't put anyone out; they just voted to get a new pastor. But be not dismayed, the pastor of Rehoboth put a member out. But I should have know that a church with the acronymn W.O.L.F. in it's name would be capable of this type of action. Maybe it was a Freduian slip but it' part of their name nonetheless. So much about what happened yesterday was like deja vue. The only difference between what happened yesterday and 8 years ago, is the fact that there's a blog that will give you insight into what happened. Now, how in the Hattiesburg can a person that claimed to be so hurt over being put out of a church turn around eight years later and do the thing he claimed was so vicious/vile. Eight years ago, everything was done in pursuit of a title and now, it's said that the title he so eagerly wanted is no longer important. I remember when some of his biggest supporters begged him to put it off and just stay, but I guess he couldn't see the forest for the trees. So, here we are, eight years later, repeating the cycle but now it's justified? I have the belief that we can question God, our Creator, but has the mindset of the ministry gotten to the point where we can't question a pastor? Seriously. At no point during Sunday School at Gateway were the names of Rehoboth or it's pastor's called out, but somehow, to say that churches need Sunday School is treasonous. First of all, who uses an open discussion from Sunday School to start a mess? Maybe it's just in the nature of the person that likes to keep up mess or maybe she runs with mess every chance she gets (pun intended). I remember when other disposable members were pushed out of the nest, they scrambled to change the locks because they feared they would come and get the things they purchased. Don't get me wrong, I did think of my numerous purchases from Trees n Trends that are all over the building but I take joy in knowing that people that were so troubled by our spirit are not troubled enough to give us back the things purchased by these troubling/truthful spirits. It is what it is. Now don't get me wrong, the bible clearly gives instructions about putting a person out of church and they are outlined in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13. However, none of the reason listed said anything about wanting a Sunday School. Plus, if these reasons were used at R.W.O.L.F. they would lose at least two elders, a deacon or two, a few hand-maidens, and probably a church mother. Like I said, I don't know what explanation was given for putting out an elder, but I'm sure their story is not lining up with this one. They're probably saying the same thing they said about me. . that I left. . For the record, I did not vacate my post on the media ministry team, that position was taken from me because I allegedly called some women at the church female dogs and said something about spreading someone legs like peanut butter, but I stayed because I didn't want anyone to think I was leaving out of anger. . and even to this day. . I'm not angry because I know who actually made that call to sit me down. In closing, the oft abused and twisted phrase “touch not God’s anointed” is regularly applied to them and by them with the implied threat of spiritual destruction if you dare to disagree with them. You’re seen as one who is against the very program of God if you disagree. And you are in danger of hell fire if you dare speak out against the doctrines and practices of the “anointed” men and women. You’re seen as one who is against the very program of God if you disagree. This matter has taken on a life of it's own and it was so unnecessary. Why would someone fly off the handle because of a statement made at Sunday School? Was it because you really wanted this person out in the first place or was it because it was said in the House of Peters (Buddy that is)? I don't know the answer to these questions because the person involved was never allowed to sit and discuss what was said or what others had said like Mature, Christians. What ever happened to as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men (Rom. 12:18) But I take joy in knowing that the True Shepherd will leave the 99 to fetch the one (Matt. 18:12). Somehow, the ministries of today have it reversed; they're willing to scatter one to keep 99 (especially after the one left them sitting pretty--pun intended.) At this point, I'm standing still and letting the Lord fight my battle. (2 Chronicles 20:17) So as I close this post, I'm shaking the dust from my feet (Matt. 10:14). Shalom!


  1. WOW!!! Everytime I was out there he was saying how he only trusted Sylvia to get his water, Sylvia was the one checking the air, cleaning the church and when ppl from Africa came over whete did they stay; with Sylvia. It seems that someone from the side lines feel threatened. But on another subject, can I have one of those trees. I know they don't want to keep looking at your stuff after putting you out.

  2. So let me get this straight; you get put out for wanting a Sunday school class but it's okay to have a loan sharking elder and a elder that has his wife and side-line at the same church and a deacon that parties all day at New Jack and troll the syreets eery night trying to cash in a coochie coupon and then you have a praise dancer that was wilder than Rahab at Bull's party and in The Jailer for tickets. What was that scripture about he who is without sin?

  3. It seems like JB is the one calling the shots. Much prayer is needed bc all eyes are on you guys now bc everybody in Lumberton know how dedicated to that church and now you're casting her out bc she eant a Sunday School class. WOOOOOOW!

  4. WOG=Woman of God. . .and yes. .PRAYER is needed.

  5. I am not a church-goer myself, though I am very spriritual. My grandmother walked away from the church because they didn't support her divorcing a drug-addicted abuser. So I was raised to love God and Jesus, but I have never been part of a church where I wasn't shocked by all the hypocrits and the horrible things many of the powerful people in the church did outside of, and sometimes even in, church. I've seen as many pedophiles attach themselves to church as I have seen attach to needy children's foundations. I am completely amazed by people who follow a pastor like he is the Lord Jesus Christ himself. I am highly suspect of any person who revels in such power. I don't know who the people are you are talking about as I don't church with these people, but it sounds like you may have just sprayed water on a hornet's nest by posting this. Kissinger suggested that nothing is more dangerous than people convinced of their own moral superiority.

  6. Looks like somebody gonna be the topic of bible study tonight. Now let's turn to the Book of the Informer.

  7. Ben Winston didn't put Voncile out for cutting up the pastor's chairs but the Bishop put somebody out because they want a Sunday school. Someone said they think Joyce is calling the shots but I think there's somebody else leading this parade. I don't want to say too much because the last time I posted on here they thought it was you and egged your car. So I'm going to hesh da mouf.

  8. I pray for peace for all those involved. Everybody in Lumberton knew Sylvia played a big role in that ministry and I too remember when he was boasting about how she was the only one he trusted to get his water. I think her role became to big or he could no longer take from her. I'm praying for you guys and I hope you guard your hearts and don't let any root of bitterness spring forth. Keep doing what you're doing because in all thy getting, get an understanding. This is 2012 not 1978.


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