Know Your Rights: Illegal Eviction

First, I thought everything would be closed today because the State of Mississippi celebrates Confederate Memorial Day. But the celebration has been changed to April 30, 2012. But in the spirit of CFD, there are several people that got notices this morning, alerting them that they will be locked out of their apartments by noon today. The ones I spoke with this morning all said they never received a notice to appear in court. Somehow, several people are having the same issues and may find themselves locked out of the apartments before the end of the day. Some are for non-payment of rent and others are for having banned people at their units. Everyone knows where the trouble spots are at Frank Lee Homes, it will be intersting to see who's going to be locked out because I believe that if those in the "trouble spots" are not included in the list, there's a good possiblity that everyone else will know who's snitching. The issue of being placed on the banned list is another issue altogether, but those on the list need to fight and have their names removed because they're not being given due process. As far as the lock out, the only way your landlord may force you to move from your rented apartment or house is by going to court and getting a court order. A lockout is illegal when your landlord forces you to move or does not let you into your home without first going to court and having you served with a warrant of eviction. If your landlord locks you out of your apartment illegally, call the police. When you call, make sure to write down the name of the person you talk to. The police should send officers to the apartment. Make sure to get the names of the officers. When they respond, tell them that your landlord locked you out. Your landlord may be responsible for the money you have spend because you were locked out. If you do spend money on a hotel or in a restaurant, save your receipts. You may be able to get some of your money back. Contact Neighborhood Legal Services for help. If you cannot get back into your apartment after calling the police, call Neighborhood Legal Services or the Southeast Mississippi Legal Services. You may have to sue your landlord. Call Neighborhood Legal Services for help. The number is 601-545-2950. Also, Attorney William Ducker has successfully defended cases against MRHA 8 for tenants that weren't legally served paperwork for court/eviction. He's located at 99 Shelby Speights Dr.,Purvis, MS 39475 and his phone number is (601) 794-8545.


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