Lumberton's Game of Thrones

In HBO's The Game of Thrones, seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. In the City of Lumberton, the Game of Thrones involves four aldermen and their quest to destroy the land of non-revenue, but sadly, it not a mythical story. The regularly scheduled board meeting was cancelled last night due to the lack of a quorum. Mayor Holder and Alderman Kent Crider were the only elected officals in attendance, while Stephanie Mullings, was the only department head in attendance. However, shortly after the board meeting was cancelled, two other aldermen and one other department head showed up for the meeting. I succinctly remember Gibson, Hale and Crider crying foul when a previous board meeting ended before the bills for the month were paid. But for some reason, they were not concerned about payment of the bills for this particular month. I don't know why they refused to attend the meeting, but they could be trying to keep the minutes from getting approved, maybe the aldermen didn't want to be in the room for the prayer portion of the meeting or they could be using their passive-aggressive nature to show their displeasure with how things went at the special called meeting. Wait that couldn't be the issue because Rebecca and Tim attended that meeting, but for some reason, didn't want to attend this meeting. Maybe Tim is having regrets after he threw the city clerk under the bus in his interview with the Hattiesburg American. Whatever the case may be, they will attempt to hold this meeting again on Thursday, April, 5, 2012, after the public hearing on the water rate increase. The public hearing is slated to start at 6:00 p.m.


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