Will The Real Craddock Stand Up?

Due to the fact that i have Lumberton Police Officers cyberstalking me, I had to return to my original blog format. When I originally started this blog, I was using an HP computer buy now I'm in the Apple orchard and this blog format is not very compatible with my iPhone, iPad, or Macbook but I'm going to give it the old college try I will probably have to spread these posts over several days while I learn the blogging codes and commands needed to add the screenshots to these posts. It's easier for me and my readers to access the posts on Facebook, but this format is necessary for legdl reasons Let's dive into this week's subject, Officer Clinton Craddock aka Mr. Tow [word redacted]. I've heard of his shennaigans but never met him. The night former Interim Chief Parker recommended him for hire he was a no show. I think he was one of the rejects Ducksworth advised us not to hire but I can't find the folder of rejected applicants. When we heard he was...