Not Much Has Changed

It has been 50 years since the slaying of Mack Charles Parker in Poplarville, Mississippi. With the election President Barack Obamba, we thought that America was ready for change. Unfortnately, the City of Poplarville is not ready to engage in the change that is sweeping the rest of the country. They are still bogged down in the swamp of racism. In spite of hundreds of pages of FBI files where the men involved are clearly identified, and their meetings documented, and admissions of complicity verified, no one was ever charged, no one was ever indicted, no one ever was convicted of Parker’s murder. July 19, 2009, Randy Prince was allegedly shot and killed by Virgil Matthews. Matthews spent less than 24 hours in jail before the judge released him for lack of sufficient evidence. This decision echos the sentiment that was expressed 5o years ago in the murder of Mack Charles Parker; that the life of a black man does not matter. It it time for Poplarville to stop being known for these...