Help Save The Museum

The Lumberton Museum is in need of some repairs (termite infestation and the roof needs repairing). The museum has been closed because of the needed repairs. At the board meeting, several residents volunteered to hold a fundraiser and Mayor Ben Winston pledged $100 towards the repairs. Today, Mrs. Kathleen Bogle will be at the museum accepting donations/pledges. If you're not able to stop by today, there's a donation jar at the Lumberton Public Library. Aftertalking with Mrs. Bogle, I asked if donations could be mailed and she said that would be great. Anyone outside of Lumberton can mail a donation (check or money order made payable to The Lumberton Museum) to Mrs. Kathleen Bogle, 406 East Main Street, Lumberton, MS 39455. Any support ooffered to preserve this piece of Lumberton history would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in advance for your support!