In my opinion, Friday the 13th was just another day. I’m not one that’s very superstitious and the day turned out to be a good day because the Lumberton Panthers won their home game. I didn’t attend the game, but I am very supportive of the team. While sitting out on the patio, I noticed the streets were hot and there was a lot of talk about drug deals. There were actually some drug dealers walking by (yes, in Lumberton, there are walking drug dealers) complaining that one of their “clients’ wanted to pay them in change. I just sat there in silence, either amazed at their brazenness or ignorance. I checked my facebook status for game updates because I knew once the game was over, it was going to be quite noisy; especially after a victory. Well, I didn’t want to be a buzz kill because I remember what it was like after a home game. Back in my day, it usually meant hangout time at the game room but today; it’s hang out wherever. I didn’t hear much of what happened after the game becau...