Your Slip Is Showing

Disclaimer: This blog post will contain some content that may be deemed offensive. I will be using various, unedited quotes. Please log off now if you feel you can not handle the content. If you are still reading this post, you have acknowledged the fact that you are aware of the potential volatile nature of this post. The other week, when I penned the "We Are Lumberton" post, I decided that I had dedicated enough time and effort to what's wrong with Lumberton. I posted blogs and provided video to support my statements. At that point, I felt I had given the citizens of Lumberton enough information to help them make an informed decision on how they wanted to move this city in a new direction. I was planning on transitioning this blog into a more positive tool. I'm still planning on promoting positive images of Lumberton but I have to pause for a moment to address the letter I received yesterday from an attorney representing Merlene Wall, city clerk. Now those that...