Take Several Seats: The Real Lumberton

The other day, there was an anonymous comment left on my blog. It reads as follows "...you are a liar and a sad little man. You live for free off the government, but complain about working people." Generally, I don't respond to anonymous comments because I feel that individuals that sit behind a computer and spew hate without revealing their identity are cowards. But it happens all the time. I stopped looking at comments on WDAM facebook page because of all the cowardly remarks that were being made anonymously. I really don't know why this comment stuck in my head. Maybe it was the culmination of events that are taking place outside of Lumberton. All the major news has been about Donald Sterling and his racist comments. As a blogger and an African-American male, I was not surprised by the statement he made. However, I was surprised by the quick response. We all know there are plenty of racists in this country and most would not commit the grevious error that landed...