Back 2 School Blowout: Update

Like I've said, we have some great people in Lumberton. After hearing about the Back 2 School Blowout that's being held at Tina's Salon and Barber Shop on August 1-2, 2014, the manager and employees at Ward's of Lumberton offered their assistance and services. Ward's of Lumberton has generously decided to donate meals to the stylists. They're also donating cookies for the children as well as school supplies. Another random act of kindness from concerned residents of Lumberton; if only this type of caring and generosity was exhibited by our Mayor and Board of Alderpersons. Kudos to the management and staff of Ward's of Lumberton. If you would like to contribute to the Back 2ASchool Blowout, give Tina a call at 601-297-9738.