I'm Back and More Determined As Ever: The Truth Will Be Televised or At Least Blogged About

For a moment, I felt like throwing the towel. I would attend the meeting, blog a review the next day and then I would get my copy of the Sunday's paper and wonder if I had attended the same meeting. Now before you all start taking mega doses of Geritol and get your granny panties in a bunch, this is not an attack on the writer of the Sunday editorials; it just shows that people see things differently. Thant's another reason why I started recording the meetings; so people can see for themselves. I generally don't take the mayor, board and city clerk at their word because they are trying their best to privitize public discourse. Just last night, I decided to stay after the meeting was over and I glanced up while Merlene Wall was explaining something to Alderwoman at Large, Cora Rogers and Alderman, Ward 3, Quincy Rogers. I noticed that Merlene motioned or pointed towards my direction; I guess that was an sign for the alderpersons to lower their voices to keep me from hear...