Waging War On Progress

I feel that I must begin this blog ppst with an explanation of the photo collage. It's a play on a commercial I was watching last night. I giggled and thought to myself, what if Mayor Winston was making such poor decisions because he's hungry. As stated in the commercial, you're not yourself when you're hungry. Now that I got the humorous part over, let's get down to business. Unless you're living under a rock, you have heard about the Ferguson verdict. As I browse social media sites, the question of how this happened keeps coming into the discussion? There are those that are outraged by those destroying their city by rioting and looting. Please note, I think the riots detract from the death of the young man. However, I find it interesting that there are those that will label those rioting as barbaric; as animals. But what do we call those that destroy a city via a vote? In Lumberton, they're called the Mayor and Board of Alderpersons. Just a short while a...