Good-night Sweet D.I.V.A.(Donte)

Death is a constant reminder of the fragility of life. We must LIVE, LOVE and FORGIVE! I'm sharing a part of my friendship with Donte so my broken heart can begin to heal. People like to wait until a person die before they express how they feel. Please know, I have expressed my love and appreciation for Donte while she was able to appreciate the impact she had on my life and I will continue to show my love by being there for her family. I know there are some that read the title and wondered why I referred to Donte as a DIVA. If you noticed, I turned D.I.V.A. into an acronym. When I think of Donte I have never thought of her as a DIVA in the natural sense because she was not a temperamental or haughty woman. When I think of Donte , I think of her as a true D.I.V.A. because she was DEVOUT, INSPIRIATIONAL, VIRTUOUS, and ANNOINTED . Now, don't get me wrong, she was also a fashionista. As a matter of fact, we became friends over a pair of stilettos. I've known Donte al...