FLOT: Back 2 School Blow-Out/Bookbag Give Away

School starts next week and on Saturday, July 30, 2016 (TODAY) the Future Leaders of Tomorrow will host a Back to School Kid's Day in Lumberton at the 5th Avenue Park. This group of dedicated, community service oriented group will give away book bags filled with school supplies. In addition to the book bag give away, they will also give away gift cards. There's also a raffle taking place and you still have a chance to get a raffle ticket for bikes and $100 Footlocker Gift Card. This will be a fun-filled event. There will be various vendors/booths present, including Tresa's Treats. If you haven't had an opportunity to sample her desserts; now is the time. There will be other booths at the event, water slides (bring a towel or change of clothes), plenty of food, games and speakers. The Future Leaders of Tomorrow have worked tirelessly to organize this event, please come out and show your support for a GREAT CAUSE. In case you're wondering,...