Where's Big Momma?

We are living in an era of 30 something grandmothers; women that are the matiriachs to another generation while establishing themselves in their own generation. As a result, we are grappling with a generation that is being lost in the transition from one generation to the next. When I was growing up, if an adult caught me doing something wrong, I would be spanked on the spot, and told to go home and tell my mother why I was spanked; which would lead to another spanking. Today, you can't say anything to anyone's child. If you do, the child will probably curse you out, and then the parent will confront you; forcing you to open a can of whop ass. So, we dismiss the criminal minds of today's youth, becasue we don't want any trouble. Contrary to what many may believe, I do not see today's youth as a lost generation. I see this generation of youth's being raised by a generation of lost parents, parents that are so void of common sense skills and what it takes to rea...