It's Time to Man Up!

We have just entered the Spring season, and we are already having fights erupt all over the city. Yesterday, I stated the need for more police. Yes, we need more police patrolling the streets of Lumberton, but the addition of more police will not solve the problems that are plaguing the youth of our city. In order to see a change, we need more parents that are willing to perform their duties as a parent. Year after year, our youth are fighting like dogs. And most of the time, there are adults present; some adults are there video-taping the events. I'm sure there will be a DVD of the latest fights available for purchase.
Dr. Michael Freeman has stated that "the strength of every nation is determined by the male population." Well, it is time for the adult males of Lumberton to Man Up, and set an example for the youth of our city. My father was not present in my life, but I am thankful that my uncle, "Jr. Brown" was there to teach me what I needed to know about life. He taught me the difference between the windsor knot and the pratt knot, and which dress shirt to wear with the different knots. He also taught me about the facts of life, and even how to fight. A lot of times I see that many people won’t do something unless they’re getting paid or receiving some sort of benefit. You would think that with so many Black men growing up without a father more would try to reach out, but that clearly isn’t the case.
Almost every church in Lumberton has a deacon board. It is time for our decons to step away from the collection plate, and take an active role in the lives of our youth. We are so concerned with having programs at our churches, but we need to be concerned about the future of our children. In Lumberton, there is a church on every corner, but the corner is not changing.
In order to curb the behavior that is running rampant in our city, the men must take a stand and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! As men, we have to give our best effort at attempting to curb this trend so we can help ensure that we see more Black males in classrooms, more Black males in boardrooms, and less in prison cells.
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