Check Mate: The Bishop's Next Move

In case you missed the news, here are some things you might have missed. At a special called meeting held on Thursday, December 29, 2011, Rebecca Hale, Kent Crider and Quincy Rogers voted to rescind the hiring of Timothy Ryan Byrd as court administrator. At the same meeting, Kent Crider and Rebecca Hale voted to raise the water rates; Alderman Rogers voted against the water rate increase. Absent from the meeting was Bobby Gibson and Timothy Johnson; they now have the ability to say that they didn't vote to raise the water rates when they're questioned by voters, but I think the reason they didn't attend the meeting was their unwillingness to rescind the order to hire Byrd. I don't understand why Hale and Crider would vote to increase the water rate and they know there are some serious issues in the water department. Instead of fixing the problem, they're passing the cost on to the citizens of Lumberton and still refusing to address the serious concerns regarding bil...