NNO 2011

August 2 is National Night Out Against Crime. Laurel and Hattiesburg has been on the news giving details of their plans for the event. Since there has been so much change taking place at the Lumberton Police Department, I wonder if Dennis Hobson will host a NNO in the City of Lumberton. If he's truly interested in repairing his "tainted" reputation, he might want to take this opportunity to team up with the Lumberton Library and have small cook-out or something so he could introduce himself to the children in the community. If memory serves me correctly, we've only had one NNO event in the City of Lumberton and it was held years ago. Surely, the board of aldermen will give Hobson a purchase order to buy some chips, sodas, hot dogs and burgers for this event. NNO has proven to be an effective, inexpensive and enjoyable program to promote spirit and police-community partnerships. Plus, the benefits a community will derive from NNO will most certainly extend well beyond ...