Wanted: Veterans

"The mystic cords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart . . . should swell into a mighty chorus of remembrance, gratitude and rededication on this solemn occasion." --Abraham Lincoln
Melinda Carli and the Lumberton Friends of the Library will be hosting a Veteran's Day Program this November. The final plans for the event are not finished, but they are hoping the event will coincide with the program scheduled at the Lumberton Elementary School. They are requesting that people start submitting names of veterans (living or deceased) to the library so that ALL veterans can be recognized during this event. Anyone interested in loaning the library medals, uniforms or any military memorabilia, they are encouraged to do so. The event is in the planning stage, and they really want everyone to submit the names of any veteran so they can be included in the celebration of Veteran's Day.