Villain or Victim: The First Lady Edition

Last night was another it could only happen in Lumberton moment. I haven't been to court in a while and I wanted to see the new judge in action. Well, when I entered the court room, there was a collective eye-rolling from Team Sweet Beulah. I thought to myself, I picked a good night to attend. At first, I didn't know if I was in court or at a tent revival. They had their passah, the first lady (uggggh. . these black churches get me with calling the pastor's wife the first lady; especially when most of them need to learn how to be a lady first), the sick and shut in were there (despite missing church most Sundays), the piano player was even there and if we had one more deacon in attendance, they might ould have taken up a love offering for Peggy Winston's lawyer. First of all, what innocent person hires a lie-a-yer to to defend a disturbing the peace charge? I don't know what all went on that night, but based on the testimony from both parties, a lot of informatio...