Villain or Victim: The First Lady Edition

Last night was another it could only happen in Lumberton moment. I haven't been to court in a while and I wanted to see the new judge in action. Well, when I entered the court room, there was a collective eye-rolling from Team Sweet Beulah. I thought to myself, I picked a good night to attend. At first, I didn't know if I was in court or at a tent revival. They had their passah, the first lady (uggggh. . these black churches get me with calling the pastor's wife the first lady; especially when most of them need to learn how to be a lady first), the sick and shut in were there (despite missing church most Sundays), the piano player was even there and if we had one more deacon in attendance, they might ould have taken up a love offering for Peggy Winston's lawyer. First of all, what innocent person hires a lie-a-yer to to defend a disturbing the peace charge? I don't know what all went on that night, but based on the testimony from both parties, a lot of information was left out of the mix. After last night, I am certain that Mrs. Vonceille Richardson is not the villain she was portrayed to be and Peggy Winston is not the victim she claimed to be. I feel a lot more was said but whatever was said, we didn't get the opportunity to hear it all. Over a month ago, I made the statement that about the things going on at Sweet Beulah and I said something to the effect that Ben Winston didn't even try to put out a member he accused of vandalizing "his" church. In case you forgot, that statement was made in the post about "The W.O.L.F. in Sheep's Clothing" post. You remember don't you? Where I was retelling the event of how Bishop Robert L. Burns put a member out because she dared to ask to have a Sunday School class. Well, I stand corrected, Ben didn't want Mrs. Richardson put out for the alleged vandalism, but last night, he asked the judge to bar the 82 year old, life long member of Sweet Beulah from attending the church where she was born and raised. It amazes me that the two churches in Lumberton that want to put people out for having a difference in opinion, have two sisters as the pastor's wives (Peggy Davis-Winston of Sweet Beulah and Joyce R. Burns of Rehoboth Word of Life). I find this coincidence to be worthy of noting. It seems that there is some behind the scenes sting pulling going on. The only difference, Peggy Winston is openly campaigning to have Voncille put out of Sweet Beulah and that's why she had a hoard of supporters there to assist her in the putting away of one of the Mother's of Sweet Beulah; whereas, Joyce was more behind the scene when the decision was made to put out a member of Rehoboth. I've witnessed the tirades of Joyce Burns and her lashing last night was no different. Was I surprised that she purposely didn't speak; no. I know her and thankfully, I don't have to interact with her any longer and the manner in which she and her half-sister conducted themselves last night is just a testament to who they truly are. I know how Joyce can make a complement seem like an insult. I know how Peggy Winston can preach blessings one minute and then go in the back of "The Store" with "Evangelist" and tear everyone in Lumberton to pieces. Like I said, Vonceille is far from being the villain in this story and Peggy is far from being the victim. One thing's for certain, I'm glad that the children of Mrs. Richardson are more mature than me because we would have been in court for an entirely different reason. As soon as I get one of the teenagers to show me how to post this video, I will post the video from court and you can decide for your self who's the villain and who's the victim. (The video will be posted on the Lumberton Informer facebook page.)


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