Happy Confederate Memorial Day (talk about your oxymoron)

I'm kinda confused about this "holiday". I'm certain that it's not proper to say Happy Confederate memorial day since memorial days are days set aside to commemorate the lives of those who fought for something they believed in; and for the Southern States, the confederate soilders were fighting for the right to keep slaves. Now, this event was a celebration started by some Southern women and somehow, it has become a paid holiday in all Southern states. So, you mean to tell me that state offices, such as the library, driver's license offices, etc. don't get a paid day off, in Southern states for Good Friday ( a day set aside as the prelude to the celebration of the resurrection of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ) but these Southern states have a paid day off to commemorate the lives of indivuals like Nathan Forrest. Interesting. So, across the Great State of Mississippi, state offices are closed for to commemorate the lives of those that vailiantly fough...