Game Changer???

There have been a lot of issues that have come to light since this election season started. I didn't want to be accused of political mudslinging but in the last few days, things have gotten really dirty in the Lumberton Political arena. As many of you know, we have lost another good police officer, Jean Rester, and it is my belief that she did not want to tarnish her good reputation because of the actions of an alderman. I don't know the "official" reason why she left, but I must say, she will certainly be missed. I have had to all on Officer Rester on more than one occasion. She is a very professional officer and she was definitely an asset to the Lumberton Police Department. The actions of one or two aldermen should not be a factor when people decide to work in the City of Lumberton. I remember posting about the good work ethic of several of our Public Works Department (namely those working on the garbage crew) but it seems that another name should be added. J...