Message from Mayor Miriam R. Holder

I received the following message from Mayor Miriam R. Holder about the hours of operation for voter registration. So, if you're not registered to vote in the upcoming election, you still have time to register. The message was as follows: Last day to register to vote for the June 4, 2013 election is Saturday, May 4, 2013. City hall will be open from 8:00 a.m.-12 noon. Vote to re-elect Miriam Holder as your Mayor. there is work to be completed and I am the one who knows how to get it completed. Economic development is on the list of priorities. A city divided will not survive. Vote for a mayor who has Lumberton best interest at heart with no personal agenda. Vote for Miriam Holder to be YOUR MAYOR, A MAYOR WHO CARES. Post taken from Facebook....If any other candidate would like to make a statment and have it released on this blog, I would be more than happy to post the information you provide.


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