Friends of the Library Breakfast With Santa/Christmas Raffle

The Friends of the Lumberton Public Library are hosting a breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Clauses on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. This is not a fund raiser; its an event planned to give the parents of Lumberton the opportunity to create a memorable experience for their children within the City of Lumberton. Tickets for the event are $5 per person. This is an opportunity to build a memory for children for something they can remember about their hometown. Ifyou know of anyone that would like to attend this event, please send them to the library to purchase their tickets. In order to host the event, they need to sell at least 15 tickets by December 3, 2013. Also, the Friends of the Library is selling raffle tickets for a Christmas stocking worth $500. The tickets are $5 each or $10 for three tickets. This event will help sponsor events that will be provided throughout the year. So, come by the library or contact a Friend of the Library to purchase a ticket. It's for a very ...