What's The True Agenda?

The other day I reported about the closed door discussions that were allegedly being held to replace the Lumberton Police Department and it's officers with patrol by the Lamar County Sheriff's Department. The amount of $300,000 per year may not be accurate but Ben Winston is working overtime trying to get rid of Lumberton's Police Department. At first I said he was operating without board approval. Well, that may or may not be true. Everything that has been done by this mayor, despite it's legal and/or ethical ramifications, has been supported by the board of alderpersons. As you know, he only need three aldermen to sign off on his injudicious motions and they are passed. So, all the blame for this effort to dismantle the Lumberton Police Department is not the working of one individual but the fact that there are some unethical as well as uninformed/unlearned/unscruplous individuals that are seeming uninterested in the dismantling of the City of Lumberton. (Side note:...