Know Thy Enemy: Places and Predators

The other day, I made a statement asking were there at least three righteous serving on the Lumberton Board of Alderpersons. After that comment was made, I received a high number of private messages. I don't know why people choose to address me via inbox because I still have a record of your information. Anyway, those of you that are familiar with the bible know that was a play on the process when Abraham was pleading with God; asking him not to destroy the city. I would give a complete overview of the matter but it's found in Genesis 18. Abraham declares "if I find fifty righteous souls" will you spare the city. Well, as you know, the number continued to decrease and Abraham lowered the number to "ten righteous souls". Ultimately, Abraham wins the argument but loses the case. God sends two angels to go see if Abraham’s 10 righteous can be found in Sodom. Generally, I don't respond to inbox questions or comments but since most seemed to accuse me of j...