Are You Ready For Some Football?

The Lumberton Panthers kick off the 2014 Football Season tonight against West Marion. It should be an interesting game and I hope my friends from West Marion don't take this defeat personally. For updates on scores and other information relating to the Lumberton Panthers, visit the Lumberton Football Facebook page. In other sports related news, the Lumberton Family Life Center will begin hosting football viewings this season. They have invested in several 52" flat panel televisions, booths and other amenities to create a sporting environment. There will be plenty of food and fun. I don't have a copy of the menu but I hope buffalo wings are included in the mix. It sure would be nice if Lumberton was wet because I like to have an (well never mind) while watching the game. But a good batch of wings, fries or a burger should help with the enjoyment of the games. I will get the name and contact information to share with you once available.