Doing More Research
In addition to searching the minutes, I'm looking through attorney general opinions for information about executive sessions. The board is using executive session as their hiding place and Merlene is using executive sessionto hide her hands when she gets ready to throw someone under the bus; she did it when the young lady that cleaned city hall witnessed too much in the clerk's office (but Merlene's husband can sit in the office for hours, day after day, hearing and seeing the personal/private information of citizens). Merlene used executive session to try and have Betty Speights fired with allegations of stealing but when that didn't work, she slithered back in and convinced the board to cut Betty hours to 20 hours a week, while keeping her two clerks on as full time employees. Now she's lying on the planning and zoning chairperson because she was called out for not doing her job as a city clerk. In addition to the other research, I submitted a request for the fuel cost for every take home vehicle (Danny's truck, Roy's truck and Chief Cowart's truck) for the months of April, May and June. The board made the claim that it cost too much to all the police chief to have a take home car. I want to see what each is costing the city. If you take the truck from one, then take them all. Savings is savings. Hopefully, I will have two blog posts ready for Friday.
Take into consideration how far one lives from Lumberton and if they are on call incase something happens....Will Cowart be on call? Will she need a vehicle that's ready to serve and protect? Will Danny be on call? Will he need the city truck that has tools for the job? If your on call then usually u need ur work vehicle ready set go... How much fuel does it cost each employee? I can see bigger savings on larger issues but as for my job I can see no advantage in having to leave my home after I receive a call drive to my place of employment then get in my work van, drive to my destination after its to late to save someone's home.