Heritage or Hate?

Recently, there has been a lot of debate about the Confederate flag. My Facebook page is full of individuals posting their arguments about the flag. Some are saying it's about hate, some say it's about heritage and I said it was a flag stepped in a heritage of hate. One of my friends posted an interesting response about the history and meaning of the Confederate flag. When you get to the end of the message, you will see what inspired one of last week's blog post. Commuter thought of the day: I am going to say some controversial things and then I am going to say regular stuff, I am going to make a joke and be out! The Confederate Flag is a symbol of the Confederacy and those who fought on that side in the American Civil War. Most people, because they don't read as extensively as I do think that it was primarily about slavery; that was part of it but it was also about states' rights, the uneven economic structure of the US at that time and other details. Slaver...