Review of June 2, 2015 Board Meeting

The meeting started with votes on hiring two part time and one auxillary police officer. Alderman Tommy Dukes was against hiring any police officers and Alderwoman Cora Rogers said she didn't want to hire any officers until they worked on the budget. Keep in mind that it's almost time to start work on next year's budget and they're still saying they don't know what's in the budget. Aldermen Jay McGraw and Quincy Rogers were in favor of additional police protection. The vote to hire Victor Davilia as a part time certified officer failed but they voted to let him serve as an auxiliary officer with no pay until the budget is worked out. The board voted to hire Michael S. Flynt as a part time certified officer. 4he board voted to allow Delandoe Watts to work as an auxiliary police officer at no cost.

The department heads gave their reports. Chief Cowart informed the board of the assessments on tickets mot getting paid. For months, she has brought this to the attention of the board but it doesn't seem to matter. It's odd that the tickets/fines are getting paid but the assessments aren't getting paid. A concerned citizen wanted to know why and was basically told they will deal with it when the state get ready for their money. During another part of the meeting, Chief Cowart provided the best zinger of the night, "we don't need security cameras we need police officers; we're safe." The city attorney is in his third month investigating the request to put speed bumps down at Pecan Ridge. Danny Davis reported that the mosquito truck will be back on the road this year. He advised citizens to use caution when outside because some mosquitoes are immune to the solution. It was noted that late fees will be waived this month on water bills because they were sent out late due to inclement weather. The board approved minutes from regular called meeting, May 5, 2015, and special called meetings on May 12 and 27, 2015.

Mayor Winston gave his monthly address. The video is on Facebook. His message was to pray that this city advances. He cherry picked Psalms 127 to describe Lumberton. When Alderman Quincy Rogers told him we need to find money to get more police, Winston responded by saying prayer is free. I'm an advocate of prayer but this is not prayer meeting, it's a board meeting. Winston had a platform for prayer but he stepped down as pastor of Sweet Beulah. The few people that bothered to vote didn't vote for a Pastor, they voted for a mayor. Winston is also in the marketplace every Saturday praying. Yes we need prayer but we also need people that can make good business decisions. This is a city not a congregation. If he want to hold a monthly prayer meeting then schedule one. We attend church but there's also a business side to church. One of the most volatile events at church is the business meeting. The meetings start off with prayer but at some point they have to get down to business, pay bills and plan for expansion or cuts. Essentially, Winston's response to the call for more police was

"And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?"-James 2:16 KJV

The following water refunds were approved: Kileang Choung, Kimleang Choung, Mamie White and Teri Cope. The board approved unpaid claims for May 2015 in the amount of $41,448.13 general fund and $25,312.87 WSOM. They also approved paid claims May 2015 in the amount of $19,789.75 general fund and $212.20 WSOM. Payroll in the amount of $50,519.00 for the month of May 2015 was approved. There will be a public hearing on July 7, 2015 to revise the limb and debris ordinance so the citizens won't get charged for pick up of these items. The motion to install security cameras in the police department failed. The board voted to go into executive session to discuss personnel issues but it was interesting that they called Ronald "Foots" Davis into executive session. After a lengthy session, the board returned and announced that no action was taken. There were a few citizen comments before the meeting was adjourned. It was a rather calm meeting. I think the presence of news cameras may have caused them to behave. Noticeably absent was any discussion about the $600,000 loan Winston and McGraw said they secured in Jackson, MS. When the city was offered the $2.5 million dollar Army Corp of Engineers grant, they were shouting from the mountain top but they secure a $600,000 loan and they're not saying a word. Well, guess what? I'm going to keep asking where's the check until a valid answer is given. Sooner or later, the news outlets are going to wonder why you're crying broke with a $600,000 loan.


  1. Don't they have cameras in the hallway? Well they don't need them in the police department. Merlene wants to monitor everything but can't do her job. Sit your miserable, menopausal, dry coochie ass down somewhere and figure out how to tray them UTI's and our budget.

  2. Since you can't blog about Merlene and her duties (something I don't think is a legal gag order) you should use adjectives in lieu of her name. For example, instead of saying Merlene say that Felario Fairy. Instead of saying Merlene say that Crazy Cunt. Instead of saying Merlene say that Queen of Rimming. Get the point? Use colorful adjectives and see if she go to court and claim her title to prove that you're talking about her. Just a suggestion but you'll need to use more acceptable terms than the ones I suggested.

  3. Ben think prayer is the answer to everything. The bible says prayers of a righteous man availeth much and he's been on that corner praying for two years. IJS. In case Ben forgot the bible also says prayers without faith is dead.

  4. There should be a sign at the City Hall
    Brain Dead Area or If you have a brain beware!

  5. What was Ben praying for when he went to coirt to have an 80+ woman put out of his church? If the people in Lumberton vote for Ben again, they deserve everything they get. Why are people in Lumberton so blind and lazy. This man is not looking out for anyone but himself. Wake up!

  6. I just don't know how you do it. You seem so quiet and reserved in person but that tongue of yours is sharp. Why put yourself through it? You don't have much support and people want to see you fail; it's not just the mayor and board. You speak the truth but the people of Lumberton act like you're speaking a foreign language. I don't know how you stay focused but I admire and appreciate all you do. Someday these people will wake up and realize that you're needed in city hall not some swamp thing from Westwego.

  7. Ben has a Reprobate mind and doesn't realize it. It is sad and he think the Informer is the problem. I wouldn't vote for him if Satan was running against and I wouldn't miss my opportunity to vote for nothing in this world.

  8. I visited a friend in Lumberton and The REV. MERRITT has a Ben Winston sign on his property. I had so much respect for him now he is a disappointment. We now know where he stand.

    1. If you're from Lumberton you quickly learn that ministers support each other regardless if they were going by the Word someone would have pulled Ben's chain a long time ago when he started praying on the corner. Ministers are more concerned with offending each other than serving God. B.O.S. do more for the community than most pastors and that's a sad report.

    2. I asked around and that sign is not on Rev. Merritt's property. That small tract of land belongs to Kent Crider or Paul Ockmond.

  9. All the laws these People are breaking and they are taking you to court and feel that this blog should me Shutdown. Stupid people. I know they read this blog You are the worst Board and City Clerk ever! I am sick of hearing and seeing you and please stay off the corner!


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