Stealing Elections: Lumberton Style

Last night when I went to the Ben Barrett Voting Center to watch the counting of the vote, I entered the building about 10 minutes before the polls closed and the picture above is what I saw. Throughout the day, many people expressed their concerns that the poll workers didn't match the demographics of the City of Lumberton. I shrugged it off after someone texted me, assuring me that the election was going to be fair. Well, that was not the case. Later in the day, a voter came to me with evidence that the votes had been compromised. They gave me two torn affidavit ballots that were torn up and thrown in the trash in the women's restroom at the voting center. Interesting. There was another person that came to me about the conversation they overheard between Cora Rogers and her mother, Voncile Richardson. It seems that Ms. Voncile wanted to cast a vote for me but her daughter, Cora Rogers, instructed her to mark the ballot for Kent Crider. Interesting.

Last night the city clerk, Merlene Wall, who was trolling the voting precinct during the entire election process, stated that there would be a run-off election. This morning, Kent Crider was in Ward's telling everyone that there wasn't going to be a run-off election. I went to city hall this morning to get a copy of the voter sign in sheet but Merlene Wall and Melissa Nightengale were not there. I was told that a copy of the sign in sheet would not be available until Monday. There's plenty of question marks regarding this election. We have people that are staying home when there was an entire building of people willing to steal the election. I don't trust the results nor the people that were supposed to be guardians of the electoral process. If you notice in the picture posted below, one of the affidavit ballots that was torn up has the name Calvin Crider. I wonder if he's related to Kent Crider? I wonder how many ballots mysteriously disappeared. Crider is saying this is over but it's far from over. I'm on hold now with a clerk at the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office. I will keep you informed of the next step in this never ending saga of Lumberton Politics.


  1. I wonder if they are planning to rewrite the sign in sheets. It wouldn't Surprise me. People would go to any length to get what they want. I hope we can't all verify the signatures.

  2. Do you trust what you see at that table? Hell no!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I would be tossing a fit so huge they'd hear it all the way to Washington DC. They need to bring in outside people to oversee the voting. I say there is definitely some illegal happenings in there. Wish I could come vote! Stick to your guns and don't give up or in. Good luck and God bless.

  4. All I see is the N-word in use.

  5. is that language really necessary .. can't people voice an opinion without being crude and un-educated ... and we wonder why Lumberton is in the crapper... smh

  6. Lumberton is in the crapper because for the past 12 years only 25% of the voters voted. You got my point with the language so I guess it was educated enough for you to get my point. I know white people like to talk about Obama but it was white people that voted for him. As you can see black people don't vote. Who knew that if we gave them the right to vote they would sit at home. Should have thought of that years ago and saved the dogs for something else.

  7. I heard Ben Winston telling people not to vote in Love Quarters. Why would People let this man tell them anything. Dumb and Dumber.

  8. I read where Britt Hart said you were a lousy candidate because you allow people to post anonymous comments on your blog. I guess I'm going to offend the seller of underage pussy and pill pimp because my comment is anonymous. I guess he got to find another cop to set up in exchange for his criminal activity.

    1. You can clearly see this isn't about my brother but I guess your obsession with him made it about him for YOU. You won't comment on his page because you can't hide. Wow. No more time spent on you.

  9. Anonymous who ever you are, Ben Winston is a quitter. He Quit on his god and the City of Lumberton. What can you learn from him other than how to be a quitter and having your own personal agenda He doesn't give a damn about anything else including Merlene, Kent, Cora, and the list goes on plus for those voters in Love Quarter I remember when Ben was Alderman he didn't do anything to help Love Quarter.

  10. You have messed up now. You have the Carlisle and the Crider Klans mad at you and these two families are as different as night and day. I don't know anybody that loves black dick as much as Lisa Carrol Smith, well maybe Cora, but she's overly sensitive right now because yoing women keep taking the young boys she tries to buy. Yes I'm a coward and posting this anonymously but she's slept with my cousin in my bedroom many times.

  11. Damn...only in lumberton

  12. All of this could have been avoided. Contact the news or are they only concerned when it's black mayors accused of stealing elections? I have never seen a city clerk do involved in an elecrion and then she brings her trusty side kick to help interfere with the election. Side note: Melissa should work on her FUPA. Why wasn't there a mixed group of poll workers? Why was a ballot found in the trash? Why are the numbers not adding up? While people are trying to prove that their momma is so pure. Let's face it, a 77 year old white woman has used the word nigger plenty of times. But that's not the issue. There's too many questionable actions for this to be a fair election. We need a do over so we can get it right.

  13. Don't worry about Lisa because her black friends don't vote. They just love posting pictures with her knowing they done hit it and laugh when she's claiming she's the mother and wife of the year while sucking black dock on the side. Ewwww. Her kids should be careful getting kisses from mommy. I know where that mouth has been. She loves starfish and coffee.

  14. Are you familiar with lawsuits against deformation of character? You should nothing on the Internet is ever anonymous. Good luck :)

  15. Watch out Mr. Informer. They're going to get that black guy Lisa used to hump, I think he's in the Navy or Marines, and have him create another fake page and claim it's coming from your address. I heard there's a race war brewing in a Lumberton. Well we know who will win because the blacks are either going to be late or won't show up.

  16. Jonathan the S'lote of city hall, Melissa, is talking smack in her Facebook page saying you're blocking her comments on Facebook. Didn't she make that same claim when she testified agsinst you for Thunder Cunt Merlene? Oh wait, she said you blocked her from commenting on yoir blog. Well it's apparent you don't have a block a bad built bitch button because Nikki Crider and Leslie Martin has been showing their stupidity all day. Poor Leslie. I guess she need some attention since Kayla is always in the spotlight and delivery room. Oh well, I hope this comment post since you're blocking comments.

    1. Yes i did say that and posted with my name not "anonymous" as I see you have done so which one of us is a coward and will continue to post with my name because im not scared of ANYTHING!!!! OR ANYONE!!!!!

  17. Jonathan, you're not fooling anyone. We all know you're trying to hide behind a fake name so people can't see you're truly an idiot. Lol. Stupidity? Yeah, okay. You're sad you got your little balls handed to you in a pretty pink basket. You're uneducated, jobless, and on welfare. I'm pretty sure I'm coming out ahead in this game.

    1. the only one whos balls have been handed to them in a pretty pink basket is your precious auntie lisas husband, derek. what fool would continue to stay with a woman who has fucked every black kid between the ages of 16-26... OH YEAH, A PUSSY.

    2. Yup and I'm not gonna be anonymous. I remember seeing her drive thru wards with underage boys all the time. They all talked about what a whore she was. I mean seriously what kind of middle aged woman drives around with teeneage boys in their car every single day. And lets not forget she paid for their meals too. Every single kid in that town tapped those nasty beef curtains. That was years ago and it still goes on??? WOW!!! If that was my son I would have pressed charges on her. That's sick.I wouldn't be able to show my face let alone get aroused off a teenage boy who has NO EXPERIENCE IN PLEASING A WOMAN. All you are is a fuck...a dried up flabby pussy. Don't you try to check anyone when your hands ain't clean.

    3. what i find hilarious is the fact that she thinks no one knows... bitch those boys dont like you they just think its funny bragging to one another and comparing stories about fucking an old married lady. she is not even attractive. THEY HAVE VIDEOS OF YOU... come on. stop trying to say you are faithful to your husband when there is proof you are a hoe. the real victims in this situation are her children. they will grow up in this town hearing stories about how their mother is addicted to young black cock. hmm.. i wonder if this is why she sent her children to purvis rather than lumberton school system that she just loves so much and was so involved in. guess she thought it would keep her kids from the truth.. too late for that.

    4. Hahaha...all talk but where is the proof??? Everyone seems to scared to tell....

    5. be careful what you wish for... you want proof you got it. make sure your kids stay off of the internet for a while... wouldnt want them to see mommy being fucked in every hole shes got. game on.

    6. Hahahaha.. Expose it!!

    7. Let me know when it comes available for viewing :)

    8. Do you have some sort of weird obsession with her? Why would you want to see it? Ya nasty. Keep ya freak fetishes to yourself.

    9. Nope we just want you to see that it's truth not just most DEFINITELY happened

    10. Sounds like she the one with the fetish. She like em young and black that's the only two criteria

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Wait... I have kids?? I had no idea. This anonymous character is a joke.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I apologize. I meant abortion clinic. Clothes hanger special.

  20. The Blog is getting crazy now. Back to the Election.

  21. Jay, I don't think you waste your time to comment anonymous on your blog. You express yourself clearly in the topics so what reason would you have posting anonymous? I think you are a very educated person who are not lazy when it come to researching for ideals. We need someone with your knowledge. If the community can put aside hate and anger and focus on what we as citizens can do to better the City of Lumberton as a hold not black or white but the entire City. Please we need to stop the outside from coming here and dividing the City. Stop looking at race and hate but what is best for the future of Lumberton and our children.

  22. Mrsnwhile, back at the election. Merlene and Meliissa knew that Herry and Jonathan were for Stephsnie so it was in their best interest to make sure the one that has kept he city as run down as his house but he boasts he's a taxpayer but still has a blue tarp on most of his residence. The election was botched and it will always be questioned. I don't think the Carlisle lady knew what was going on and I think her daughter blew things out of proportion but that salty Salters wench seems bitter. She's attacking Stephanie and her mother because of an error she made. Everyone involved in this is too old to behave like they are. I hope there's another election. If not Kent Crider will be known as the candidate that stole an election. Congratulations Mayor Mortician. The city is now ready to be embalmed. Maybe now he will wear a clean shirt to the meetings.

  23. If people doesn't care for the Informer just a thought. What if he's Mayor and we all know it's enough dirt at the City Hall to last a life time and it will keep him so busy he want have time for the Blog? We will have the City back on track and no blogging??? The only problem will be the people who don't want the City to know the dirt at the City Hall and their personal agenda. The lies, lies and more lies. They are the only ones who have something to lose, that's way the fight is on with the Mayor position because the City know Kent hasn't made a different. The City of Lumberton need know all about the Government of their City and get involved.

  24. The people only have THEMSELVES to blame for NOT VOTING. It is a disgrace that in a town of 2,000 people 10% come vote. Then you get what you get. You can complain about anything you want but I am disgusted by the voter turnout. The polls were empty all day. 8 voter stations and 1 voter when I went. Sad.

  25. Sad day when you see so much hate spewed here. A town divided instead of coming together. We don't need all this unnecessary stuff. All these ugly comments being made talking so ugly about others. Why not try to find a resolution instead of all this madness.

  26. So sad to see so many talking this way. It's like watching high-schoolers bicker. Not grown adults

  27. its about time someone calls the carlisle family out on their bull shit. lisa has slept with half of lumberton and still has the audacity to show her face and do it proudly. kenny and laura are a joke, biggest hypocrites in this town. just because you go to church doesnt make you a christian. two faced bigots. kayla is the only one who had the balls to give her parents a big FUCK YOU after years of fighting with them over interracial dating (yes the oh so christian kenny and laura did not want their daughter dating a "black").. and leslie.. well shes just starving for attention (i would be too if i was the less attractive sister) i could continue and spill some family secrets but instead im gonna sit back and sip my tea and enjoy all of their dirty laundry being aired out.

    1. Isn't Mr. Kenny the preacher who married off Kayla to her husband? It's kind of hard to be rasict if you give your daughters hand in marriage and preform the ceremony. That tea your drinking sounds more like haterade.

    2. Hmmmm this could get good!! Where is the popcorn and Coke!! Oh wait....EXTRA butter!!!

    3. Please spill the beans...your anonymous. :) That comment about Leslie was HILARIOUS. SPILL THE BEANS..."everyone is doing it"... hahahahaha. Inquiring minds wanna any added fuel would be fantastic from your end. Don't let us do all the work. Feel free to jump in!!

    4. So Susan tell us about your perfect life you have lived!! WAIT....Let me get my coffee!!

    5. haterade? i think not. the truth is the truth. yes, kenny may have walked her down the aisle, but only so he and laura didnt LOOK racist.. that family is all about appearances (which is funny bc they all need to hit the gym and work on their physical appearances). everyone knows the hell kayla caught in high school for dating rilo. of coarse her dear aunt lisa was all for it, being that she was fucking several of his friends... but kenny and laura... not so fond of the idea. the ONLY reason kenny preformed that ceremony is bc he knew he was fighting a battle with her he could not win.. and rather than continue fighting and make it obvious that he doesnt agree with interracial dating he decided to make it appear that he just loves his "black" son in law so much, all the while crying at night about how his daughter is a n***** lover...this "man of god" as he claims to be has bad mouthed and dogged out everyone in his church, including those in the youth program over the years. they dont realize how many enemies they truly have. they also dont realize all of the skeletons in their closet can easily be exposed. i, who choose to remain anonymous, have personally witnessed their racist, perverted, judgmental lifestyles from the inside.. and over the years became even most disgusted with what i saw. this family that wants everyone to think they are holier than thou are evil in their ways. i would tell tales of marital issues that all of the couples in that family have and are facing... infidelity, scandal... but ill save that for another time.. let me go sip on my "haterade".

    6. Anonymous....Keep sipping your "haterade" and keep talking!! This is just getting good!! (Even though you know nothing)

    7. I'm assuming "haterade" is what a hater drinks. If so then yes I agree youre drinking haterade .
      Sounds like you a jealous that ,if true, Lisa turned you down. Or that they didn't want your you dating one of their daughters.
      Better yet if the Carlisle family is so rasict and perverted and all the other things you accuse them of, why do they feel so comfortable doing it around you? I would say if they are rasict and you have all the information that you" personally witnessed" then the only reason you know is because you are just as guilty.
      Just because you post anonymously doesn't mean someone can't figure out what kind of person you are.
      And everyone keeps saying that they won't tell "all" now why not. Tell what you know because right now you just seem like a hater making up lies.

    8. Oooooo what scandals?! This is getting good!

  28. This town is so sad. I never witnessed so many people obsessed with one person. You all are messenging one another and saying things that you wouldn't say to his face. You would think someone would come up with some real dirt on him since you all seem to know so much about him. Surely you have some inbox messages, dirty pictures, texts or something. Everything he's said about the politicians and people at city hall is true. I was actually happy when they hired Melissa. I was like finally. Give the ugly fat woman a chance since she's obviously not focused on fashion or fitness but she useless too. The least she could do is drop off the water bills when she's getting her daily dozen donuts or lunches from Fiorella's. That Keenon woman better wake up. For the past 2 days the white women was out frolicking while they left her alone to trend the plantation. They don't think you're smart, kind or impoten't.

  29. I never claimed to be perfect ANONYMOUS aka COWARD but what no one can say or accuse me of is sleeping with underage boys or having them videotape me being fucked every which way from sunday. So you tell me what you know about me... I've had my coffee for the day..I'll wait :)

    1. ummm SUSAN, HELLO! you are talking about the substitute teacher NOT LISA! I am sure glad you don't live in Lumberton anymore, were trying to get ALL the dumb ones GONE! Which leads me to another question for not a you are telling me you knew she was sleeping with underage boys and you didn't report it to the authorities???

    2. I wanna see dem videos! Who got em??

    3. If you're witnessing anything like that from your apt. on the pkwy. in SC I would advise you to report it! ;)


    1. What are you talking about? You seem to be getting very specific. You must THINK you know me but you don't. I was referring to how you look in the pictures and videos and the time I saw you getting doughnuts. But alrighty then. BTW are you working today? Are you trolling the blog on the clock but that's part of your job description I guess. No wonder you're for Crider.

  31. ummm SUSAN, HELLO! you are talking about the substitute teacher NOT LISA! I am sure glad you don't live in Lumberton anymore, were trying to get ALL the dumb ones GONE! Which leads me to another question for not a you are telling me you knew she was sleeping with underage boys and you didn't report it to the authorities???

  32. These comments are getting .... Interesting. Let me clear up something. Despite her disdain for me, Melissa remains professional whenever we interact. She may not like me but when I call or come to city hall she's polite and professional and anytime she don't know the answer she will find out and when she say I will get a callback I actually get a callback. Now hopefully the rest of you can learn to live peacefully with one another. There's too much division in a town so small but I will never stop fighting for accountability and transparency in Lumberton. Enjoy your weekend. Eat, sleep and be Merry because Monday we war. #MovingLumbertonForward

  33. Ummm I know EXACTLY who I was talking about. Don't need to clarify and you bet your ass if I know someone is sleeping with underage KIDS I would report them. The way yall town set up everyone is corrupt so why would I report it when it's gonna be covered up??? At least I can show my face which is more than you can do sitting anonymous....I'm not scared. Better make sure you got the right one too...someone please release the videos so this old bird will shut up.

  34. And you can ask anyone at wards..they knew...from Chesnie to jerry to mystie..hell andre knew. Although h
    Andre never worked there he knew. All of lumberton knew and those of us who worked at wards witnessed HER WITH THESE KIDS so all of us were just imagining it then huh?? give me a reason WHY a woman that age would be hanging out with teenage boys all night and letting them drive her car?? Give me an acceptable reason and I'll leave it cant...and by the way I used to live right next door to her mom which was sweet as pie. But I was warned about her daughter and what she did. Then I witnessed it for myself.


    2. Ohhhh I wonder if she got turned on??? Hahahhaha!!

  35. And the dumb ones are clearly still there...those that didn't vote for change ARE DUMB so include yourself in that

  36. And the dumb ones are clearly still there...those that didn't vote for change ARE DUMB so include yourself in that

  37. I don't know why you deleted my comment about Cora Rogers cum stained wigs and how she's probably getting tea bagged by Jay and Kent but that won't change the fact that Jerry has tried to pitch woo to every woman with a child at Roger's Learning Center. Ain't that name a joke. It won't change the fact that Tiffany can't commit to men or women but maybe that's why she's always drunk. While you're deleting comments I post about the brainless Cora Rogers you need to roll back the security camera and realize that Merlene is not rbe only one driving past your house. You better keep your guards up because that dirty money is out to get you because they're reilling your blog but she's forgot how she was at the polls on Election Day campaigning for Kent Crider. I hope the people in Wards 3 and 4 remember that Cora Rogers and Tommy Dukes are nothing but Coons and serve them up with sweet potatoes if they run for office again.

  38. I'm surprised Cora's dumb ass didn't try to use her position to get you arrested. You know she think she's over the police department too. Plus she has a very close relationship with Elsie. Did you know that Cora's son catered an wvent Elsie was hosting a few weeks ago. There's a lot of secret relationships in the L and people wonder why they don't want a smart mayor. Tuh.


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