
Showing posts from August, 2016

City of Lumberton Does Not Support Local Businesses

I noticed the work on the roof of the Lumberton Museum is going great but I wonder if the people of Lumberton know that the elected officials of Lumberton are not interested in supporting local businesses. The money raised for the museum came from current and former residents of Lumberton; when the bidding process was opened, the representative for Hickman and Associates (Firm used by the City of Lumberton to secure grant money for the airport) assured Mrs. Bogle and the other members of the Lumberton Museum Committee that they could select the company they wanted to use since the monies for the project were obtained through donations. Well, somewhere during that process, the rules he outlined changed. The museum committee wanted to use a local contractor but it seems that the board was not on board. I made calls to city hall to see if I could obtain a copy of the bids but I had to file a FOI request. After looking over the submitted bids, the most professional bid came from...

21 Days And Counting: Bye Bye Danny Boy?!?

The countdown to Danny's Departure (it happens every other year or so) is winding down. The board had 21 days to convince Davis from retiring......AGAIN. It seems that Danny is upset that the police department received a new car and a new officer while the Public Works Department has to suffer with the fact that Danny gets to take home the gas guzzling truck home every night; the Public Works have more vehicles than the police department and Danny said he only has one full-time employee and two part-time employees. Well....that's not actually true but it's typical of Danny's histrionics. The Public Works Department has Danny's truck, the gray truck, a teal green truck and the white truck they took from the Lumberton Police Department when Danny claimed they didn't have enough vehicles. Keep in mind that the police department has three vehicles (no take home cars) vs the Public Works Department's 4. Back to the the number of employees in the...

Wedding Season-EP

I'm a music lover...a real music lover. I create playlists based on mood and I can remember my exact mood based on the playlist. I'm not a music critic because I don't think it's fair to dissect another person's work; either I like it or I don't. I usually don't blog about music but earlier today, I saw a post from Micah Schaffer informing people that he released Wedding Season-EP to celebrate his birthday and his wedding anniversary. I've always followed his music and his posts on social media are always fair, focused and faith-filled. Through social media, I saw snippets of his journey down the aisle and I want to take this opportunity to wish him and his beautiful wife, Lenore, a Happy Anniversary. In the song, "The Story of Love" Schaffer proclaimed "Lord willing, if the creek don't rise, let the first 10 be on the high." Based on the Wedding Season-EP which is essentially an journey of love, I'm sure they will ha...