21 Days And Counting: Bye Bye Danny Boy?!?

The countdown to Danny's Departure (it happens every other year or so) is winding down. The board had 21 days to convince Davis from retiring......AGAIN. It seems that Danny is upset that the police department received a new car and a new officer while the Public Works Department has to suffer with the fact that Danny gets to take home the gas guzzling truck home every night; the Public Works have more vehicles than the police department and Danny said he only has one full-time employee and two part-time employees. Well....that's not actually true but it's typical of Danny's histrionics. The Public Works Department has Danny's truck, the gray truck, a teal green truck and the white truck they took from the Lumberton Police Department when Danny claimed they didn't have enough vehicles. Keep in mind that the police department has three vehicles (no take home cars) vs the Public Works Department's 4. Back to the the number of employees in the Public Works Department, one of the full time employees is on medical leave, there's at least four guys that are still working and the female working at city hall is supposed to be part of the public works department, so I think Danny has a problem with the truth or/or addition. Here's the employees: the white guy that drives the gray truck (I used to know his name), Mr. William Kelly, Mr. Albert Georgia, Jr. (came out of retirement), Arthur Patton, and Keenon (at city hall). That seems like more than one full time and two part time employees but Danny will make any excuse to justify the fact that the word is not getting done and it's certainly not due to the lack of employees. The crew at Public Works is not the same but they still have more employees than the Lumberton Police Department.

Davis has complained that the equipment is not working and he don't have enough people to do the jobs but he was all in when it came down to terminating senior employees when the City of Lumberton proposed eliminating garbage collection by the Public Works Department. Just as I stated, the $11,550/month paid to WastePro could have been utilized by investing in employees that actually live and shop in Lumberton. It was rumored that Danny Davis is also upset that he's making the same amount as the other department heads. Surprisingly, I agree with him on this matter. Department heads should be paid based on responsibilities, number of years and ability to perform their job. A department head that's been with the City of Lumberton for 20 + years should make more than someone that was hired a few years ago. Danny Davis and Chief Elsie Cowart has more responsibility and they're actually forced to work in the trenches with those in their department while out current city clerk is busy avoiding work, hosting gossip sessions and has basically turned city hall into an elderly day care center/child care center now that school is back in session. Anywho, it seems that Danny is not pleased and he's threatening to quit....yet again. I don't actually believe him because he always use this poly to manipulate the board and I can't wait to see what they're going to offer him to say....AGAIN! In the event that he actually leave, he's left before because he took other jobs, he will continue to rape the City of Lumberton by charging them $1,000/month to continue to test the water until they hire another Public Works Director. The next board meeting should be rather interesting!


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