Christmas Prayer 2010

Lord, I pray for all government officials and especially for the leaders of my own country. I pray for President Obama, that he may conduct the affairs of national government with wisdom, bravery, and true justice. I pray for the members of Congress that they may truly represent the needs of the people, and work in harmony for the advancement of all men, women, and children. I pray for the judges that rule the courts of our land, that they may balance justice with mercy, and civil law with divine mandate.

Grant all of our national, state, and local leaders (Mayor Holder, Aldermen Gibson, Crider, Hale, Rogers and Johnson) the gifts of wisdom, justice, counsel, and fortitude, that they may conduct the affairs of Lumberton in accord with the will of God. Grant to all elected officials the gift of respect for lawful authority, justly exercised, that we may live as a united people, one nation under God. May all the governments of the world seek to reconcile power with the needs of society. May they all strive to form bonds of unity between countries, that we may one day share a united world of prosperity and peace. Amen.


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