Strange Bedfellows

Yesterday, there were several citizens that called on Mayor Pro Tempore, Bobby Gibson and asked him to have a special called meeting. The first lie Gibson told then was that he couldn't call a special called meeting. Mayor Holder is out of town, and that gives the Mayor Pro Tempore the authority to call a meeting, but after Bobby Gibson found out that the people wanted a meeting to address their concerns about Dennis Hobson, Gibson said that their concerns were not important and special called meetings are for important business matters. Bobby Gibson also went on to say that "he supports Hobson 100%, that he's doing a great job and the board supports everything he's doing." Now, there you have it. We finally get a glimpse into who is behind this tirade against Mayor Holder.
For those of you that might not remember, the plans to discredit the mayor started at the last regularly scheduled board meeting and Bobby Gibson was the ring master. When Mayor Holder was addressing the board and reading the laws (Mississippi Law 21-3-15) that were violated when the Board of Aldermen sent out a memo to the city employees, Bobby Gibson yelled at Mayor Holder and said "Are you finished yet?" The rest was reported on the news, which led to Crider filing charges against Mayor Holder's husband.
On Monday, there were several members of the community that came to city hall to show their support for Mayor Holder. Several issues regarding the police department and the city clerk's office were brought to the attention of the media, but Stephanie Mullings refused to speak on camera and Dennis Hobson refused to come out of his office. True to form, on the day following the media coverage of Lumberton, Hobson went to amend the affidavit and have the charges against Mayor Holder changed from a misdemeanor to a felony. During the interview on WHLT, Hobson said that he has always had problems with Mayor Holder and now he's letting everyone know that he has no intention of being supervised by the mayor of this city. Apparently, the only people that can tell him what to do are Bobby Gibson, Kent Crider and Rebecca Hale. I'm still wondering how Hobson can amend charges against Mayor Holder without any new evidence.


  1. Only time will tell...

  2. I have so much respect for Euguene Underwood. He's the only minister that came out in support of Mayor Holder. Where are all the other ministers? Are they afraid of losing their salary? Or are they too busy kicking out deacons for not wearing ties? I know some ppl will try to bring up your past, but you are doing a great job and have made a change in your life. Keep up the good work, and while other's a still dwelling on the past, start focusing on what's taking place now. Rev. Underwood, you are not only a Man of God, but you're a MAN. Thank You for being you. Tell the Informer to let us know when you're preaching b/c I would love to come hear you.

  3. Like the old church mothers of Lumberton used to say, you reap what you sow,
    and when you dig one ditch (Hopson),
    you better dig two
    cause the first one you dig
    gonna be for you!
    Somebody better read the Book of Ester to him.
    Chapter 3, talks about someone like him, named Haman, also Chapter 4:9-13.
    Chapter 4:8 tells what someone in the position of Mayor Holder should do, and
    Chapter 4:14 speaks about the role of the co-conspirators (Crider, Gipson, Johnson, and Hale).
    Better yet, read Ester, Chapters 3-7.
    Pray people of Lumberton, cause something evil and sinister is at work and it goes deeper than Hopson. He is the pawn, like Bobby is.
    Pray, and in the words of Romans 8:37, we are more than conquerors!
    Keep on doing what you do Jonathan, they can say what they wanna about you, but I plead the blood of Jesus on you. You are doing a work that many don't have the kahunas to do. That comment about you not being manly does not mean a hill of beans. (The person might not have meant anything by it, but now is not the time, we are in a battle and we need to be united). Being a man does not mean looking manly, as being a daddy does not mean you are a man. A man not only talk the talk, he walks it , he also stands up in public for his wife.
    Let's keep focused on these devils, and come together. Look out for one another, like our parents looked out for each other. Support the mayor and look out for her. Support Jonathan and look out of him, because believe it or not, 99.9% of the time, he is our only voice and our only source of reliable information.

  4. @ September 21, 2011 11:32 AM. . .thank you and thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't know what the person meant by that statement, but I didn't take it to heart. . I've been talked about so much in this town that it really doesn't phase me anymore, but thanks for your prayers and I will continue to blog.

  5. It's funny how ppl allow the devil to make a fool of them. Hobson knew he had issues with beating white hoes and scared bros in the past. Why did he let Bobby, Tim and Kent talk him into waging war against the mayor and citizens of this city? Bobby's no differnt. Everybody in Lumberton knows that Bobby Gibson has been working under his son's social security number for years and that's how he's been able to keep his disability benefits.

  6. There is one more pastor supporting us. His name is Rev. Calvin McLemore. I give him praise to because he lives outside city limits but still at the meetings. To the members that attend Sweet Beulah, thanks for your support too.

  7. ugh i remember the first time i ever met this dude in the photo above and let me tell you i was NOT impressed...he was so busy kissing all the white guys asses and this i saw with my own eyes in wards, then he proceeded to say he didnt read the informer. YEAH RIGHT!!! oh and jonathan i remember when i said something in support of mayor holder and i was told by a girl i worked with at wards that the manager was upset with my comments and that i shouldnt be on a public site like that. now if i was against her, im sure that wouldnt have been a problem. and of course nothing was said to me, it was said behind my back. why is everyone so against mayor holder? when i first moved there she was the one of the friendlier people i met. its just really a shame what is goin on in that town. :(

  8. I am really embarrassed to let anyone know that I am from Lumberton. I have children in school in this town or I wouldn't even come to Lumberton any more. I think that the city of Lumberton needs to get rid of their mayor and the board of aldermen and start all over. You say you want the city to unite and fight together, but until everyone that is doing wrong that is over the city is gone it is not going to happen. They are all crooks. They said on the news the other night they want to know where that $87,000 is, well my first place to look would be in the mayor and the alderman's savings and checking accounts, their vehicle's they are riding in and the house's that they are living in or are remodeling. That's where it will be. This is getting our of hand. I also heard that some of the mayors supporters where going to do a demonstration at the football game Friday night, I would say to you Please DO NOT involve our children in this SHI*. And for those of you who do show up at the kids activities, I hope they put your asses under the jail for something for embarrassing the children of this town. They do not need any help doing that, they do just fine without your help.

  9. Since the mayor does not write checks, I seriously doubt that she has any funds stached away in her checking or savings account. I guess you feel that Stephanie is clear because she's constantly moving and renting houses. Trash a house and then move on to the next, nasty female dog. Do you seriously think the children are not aware of what's going on in the city, please. They're the victims in this mess anyway and that dumb mentality of just throw someone in jail and sort it out later is what's got this whole mess started in the first place. I still find it strange that Hobson nests at the Shell Station, but Jennifer and her friends are still able to sell and use meth. I guess sleeping with a chief of police has it's advantages.

  10. To the person of the last post I never said that Stephanie did not have anything to do with it, but if the mayor tells her she needs a check you can bet your sweet ass she gets it. It is time out for all the name calling. It is apparent that the kids in this town know what is going on just look at the behavior they are portraying. Fighting at school and sending kids to hospitals and discharging firearms within the city limits, so I guess they are learning from these dumb SOB's running this city. Also where the hell are these kids parents, shouldn't they be held accountable for the kids are doing? Are they to busy doing drugs and selling the shit and going to clubs to raise their kids with some kind of sense. Stop blaming everything on the people in office and blame your selves after all the citizens of Lumberton voted them in office. So now you have to deal with it. I do not appreciate being called dumb, I am one of the ones that got an education and got the hell out of that shit hole. And as to where Hobson hangs outs and who he is doing drugs with call someone and have that investigated instead of just posting it on this blog. And yes if you act an ass and mess with shit you shouldn't or stick your nose in where it shouldn't be then yes your ass should be locked up. If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

  11. I will be so glad when the people of this town no longer have black and white tunnel vision. Be careful that we don't undo everything that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died for...

  12. Th This is not a black and white thing its remember we have 3 blacks and since u don't live here anymore then ur opinion don't matter so shut the hell. up and keep keep a moving.

  13. I want to give props to the concerned citizens of Lumberton. On both sides (of the "fight"), the citizens have brought forth good points and appear to want the best for their community. There are many great people in Lumberton that, in my opinion, can come together to uplift this hurting community.

    Foremost and with the utmost respect:
    Anonymous said...

    I will be so glad when the people of this town no longer have black and white tunnel vision. Be careful that we don't undo everything that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died for...

    Another observation I have made goes with this section from a reader's post:

    It is time out for all the name calling. It is apparent that the kids in this town know what is going on just look at the behavior they are portraying. Fighting at school and sending kids to hospitals and discharging firearms within the city limits...

    After some time(months) of following these comments and observation, I have come up with the following conclusions. The town of Lumberton appears to have checks and balances in place; however, the people elected and/or appointed have problems working with others. Others appear to have few checks on them to ensure they are following the law, truly looking out for the city's economic state and it's citizens, and helping the youth become mature enough to be ready for the future they have ahead of them! It is time for the leaders of the community to come together and work things out... or get out!Stand up and be proud of the town and make it the city you want it to be. Just as in a pond, a small rock dropped in the water leads to a huge ripple of waves! We can all do better, let's do it!


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