Weekend Patrol Report

So, what was going on this weekend? School is about to start and students and dropouts are taking it to the streets to celebrate. The streets were filled Friday and Saturday night and I couldn't tell if they were going to a party or coming from a party. However, the mere fact they held down the entrance of Frank Lee Homes for over three hours let me know they weren't going to a party. Apparently, that was the party. It was around the second hour when I realized, where the hell is the LPD and who is on duty? I know they can't patrol the area all night, but I thought they would have at least shown up at sometime during the three hour span. We keep hearing talk about a curfew, but we have teens, cougar lovers, etc. hanging out when the curfew starts and it seems there's no one patrolling. The other night, I was in Hattiesburg (it was after 10:00 p.m.)and there were some teenage boys in the parking lot. Next thing I know, two HPD police officers pulled up, flashed their lights and told the boys "Get your asses in the car!" and the boys were getting in the car. I was like, alrighty then. When Hobson was fired, there was all this talk about how our boys can walk the streets safely and they finally have some freedom. I'm wondering if this is the freedom they were referring to. I've said this many times before, I don't care about these kids hanging out. But, when are they going to learn how to party with a purpose. I've grown weary of the sausage party posse. People say that we forget that we were young at one time. No, that's not the case. This is the microwave, look at me now generation. Everyone want's to be seen, except when they're put on blast on BGC. I don't smoke dope, never have and never will, but how is it that you're so bold and disrespectful that you are standing in the middle of the street, smoking a blunt and your momma claim she don't know you're using. One thing's for certain, it's time out for foolishness. I think Elsie is doing a good job, but she needs to tighten the reins on some of her officers because somebody's either sleeping on the job or too attached to the street committee to do their job.


  1. After all this time, your still an idiot!

    1. But you're still reading the blog and keeping up with what I have to say. . Now who's the idiot?


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