I’m trying to catch up on some blog post I should have posted during the event. Going forward, Wednesdays will be Welcome to Lumberton Wednesdays. I will post pictures of the staff of various businesses and organizations as they welcome people to Lumberton. The post will include a summary of their services (menus if applicable) and other points of interest that could interest people in giving Lumberton another look. I will start gathering photos and I will feature some areas I picked but if you would like a business or spot featured, you could call, text or email me your suggestion. I’m not sure how we will feature the clean up properties; I don’t want to feature them too close to Wednesday. Maybe we can feature dilapidated properties on what would be deemed as Messy Mondays. It’s still a work in progress but I will figure out something.
Now, to catch up on some things that took place the other week. On Sunday, June 30, 2013, the members of First Baptist Church of Lumberton and various area ministers held a pre-installation in honor or Mayor-Elect Ben Winston. The minister alliance was calling for prayer and unity in our town. I enjoyed the service, but I was a little taken aback by the premise of the service. Time and time again, the ministers spoke of the need for prayer in the City of Lumberton and how they were going to ban together to pray for the good of this city. On the surface, it seems that they had good intention, but as I sat there, I recalled the time when Pastor Perry Holder called on the ministers of Lumberton to pray for the city and very few showed interest in praying for the City of Lumberton at that time. This is an issue in Lumberton, we like to pray for those that we like. As I recall, 1Timothy 2:1-4 requires us pray for those in authority. It didn’t say pray for those we like or pray for those we are friends with. It says pray for those in authority and that was including but not limited to the previous administration as well as the current administration.
The very next day, the citizens of Lumberton were gathered for the swearing in of the new mayor and board of aldermen. The division was so evident that even Judge Prentiss Harrell made note of it while addressing the audience. Just the day before, we were all sitting hand in hand at First Baptist, but for the swearing in ceremony, the crowd was basically segregated. Again, this is not a good sign that the city is moving forward…..together. I must say, as the ceremony closed, the people were more willing to mix and hold conversations with one another, but it’s clear that our city has a long way to go in regards to unity.
On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, the Mayor Ben Winston and the Board of Aldermen held their first meeting. It seems they are off to a slow start, but for the most part, it was a productive meeting. Alderwoman at Large, Cora Rogers was selected to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore. The citizens’ comments section of the meeting has been moved to the end of the agenda. Almost every adhered to the new rule, but as you know, there’s always one that just won’t do right. Nothing was said about any new appointments and/or changes in the department heads or clerks’ office. The board did agree to pay Mayor Miriam Holder her back pay for a year of her salary. Alderman Quincy Rogers was also included in the budget to get paid but for some reason, his information was, conveniently, left off the agenda. This was not something that was done by the current clerk, but they were actually relying on the minutes that were compiled by the previous city clerk. Before closing, I would like to say that the meeting went well and I’m interested to see what committee appointments are going to be made and I’m eager to see if the planning and zoning committee will be re-instated. On another note, I think the department heads need to look like department heads when attending the meetings. Overall, the board is looking more professional. Also, it’s also good to see all the clerks attending the meetings as well. But some, well one, department head, seems to have a problem with looking like he’s a department head. Chief Cowart and Fire Chief Walters both had on their department shirts with their names and title and I think this is something that all department heads should required wear when attending the board meeting. They are representing the city and we never know who’s in the audience; so we should always put our best foot forward.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this insightful and fact filled posting. The Board of Aldermen and Alderwoman Cora Rogers were dressed nicely. I agree with you 100% that when a department head is representing his department, He or She needs to be dressed professionally. The only way this city is going to have any hope of reviving is for the Planning & Zoning Commission to be reinstated. I hope the citizens of Lumberton were paying enough attention to notice how rapidly the city started declining after the committee was disbanded. Ms. Sylvia enjoyed her job and she was very good at it. She knows the in's and out's and I have no doubt that she could attract business to this community if given the chance.
I like your blog and I'm glad you are still keeping us posted. I never understood why people get upset about the truth. I see people making all kind of negative comments about you but they're the same ones that would turn around and say we should support Stephanie Mullings because she's a Christian woman. Never mind the fact that she stole all that money from the city by giving away free water. And the biggest hypocrites are the First Baptist Church members. They claim they love this city and want to support Ben Winston but they are also supporting Stephanie Mullings $1.5 million dollar lawsuit against the city. How is that helping the city. The employees she stole from need to file a lawsuit against her since the city is not pursuing criminal charges. She's so low that right now she's trying to plan a party around the impending death of her grandmother. I guess that's her next big pay day. She didn't pay the employee's insurance but I bet nanna's life insurance was prepaid. Like I said, I like the blog. You actually attend meetings. There's countless others that have a lot to say from home but never voice their concerns by attending a meeting. I like the new direction of the blog but you're going to have to stay tough and keep using your witty phrases to keep things interesting. Stay strong and know that you have our attention and support.
ReplyDeleteHow low does a person have to be to attack a church? Whatever it is you hate so much about Stephanie Mullings, you put yourself lower than the people you are attacking. You are so pathetic. Attacking someone who has watched their grandmother dying for the last two weeks is lower than low. You don't have a heart. I have always supported the Lumberton informer but not after today. He claims to be a Christian. He is able to quote scripture at the drop of a hat. So can Satan. Your true character comes to light when you don't think someone is watching and for the informer to allow a post attacking a Church or a person that has suffered watching her granny slowly slip away for the past two weeks is inexcusable. I thought that Mr. Informer was much more of a Christian than that. If acting like he does and allowing an attack on the house of the Lord defines a Christian, I would rather go to hell. I know there are things being questioned about her when she was city clerk but I have not seen any charged made against her. Why not? It's probably because the city can't come up with the evidence they need to prove she did anything illegal. If she is guilty, I hope the judge throws the book at her. But if she is innocent, you will have to answer to God for your accusations. Lumberton use to be a nice place. I've never had any problems there. Everybody is friendly for the most part. I can't understand why Ms. Mullings is always under attack or the fire department is being attacked. I know the chief very well and it's hard to believe that all the things I am hearing about him and the fire department are true. I haven't seen anything about the fire department doing wrong. Where I live, we respect our fire department. It is a volunteer department too. That means that people voluntarily put the lives on the line for people who don't appreciate it. I don't understand you people. No wonder your town is falling apart. You don't love one another. It probably won't be long until the informer, whoever he is, starts up a black panther party to extinguish every white person they see.
ReplyDeleteYour negative comments are posted just like the other comment you talked about. So your double standard philosophy may have been lost but it seems that you're equally negative and offensive but I understand that in the many narrow minds of Lumberton it's only acceptable to be negative when referring to me or the Lumberton Informer. But your double standards don't fly here.