The Wall of City Hall

It seems that the Merlene is doing a great job but she’s also beginning to show her claws (so to speak). It seems that the glitches in the system have returned. Of all the problems I had with Stephanie Mullings, surprisingly, I never had an issue with the water bill; other than the fact that it took weeks for the check used for payment to get deposited. Well, I reported a reading issue last month and have yet to get a call back regarding the miss-read. Now, the fact that a water billing issue has sprung up (pun intended) is enough to lead my suspicious mind in another direction. And everyone that reads this blog knows I have a very suspicious mind. I have a tendency to think there’s a motive behind almost everything. Since having a new issue with my water bill, I have become suspicious and think the water billing issues were never corrected. It seems they may have been giving a good dose of adjusting, in an attempt to make the citizens “think” they have been correct. I, like everyone else, give Merlene kudos for the work she has done, but she too has an agenda. So don’t get it twisted. Our mayor said he is trying to turn this city into a retirement town. Well, it seems the city has already jumped on board. We bring individuals out of retirement to take over city position from the clerk’s office to the public works department. Why? Because, according to our city officials, there’s no one else “qualified” to do the work. Our city has a tendency to overlook the ability of younger individuals when serving in certain positions. Now if you’re ready to put a broom or a shovel in your hand, you can be fresh out of high school, but other positions apparently require more than education; they also require years and years of experience. As we all know, there’s nothing “youthful” about those working in the hallowed halls of the City of Lumberton. Now, when calling on positions in the city, they are always touting, experience, experience, but when it comes to dealing with the lives and safety of our citizens (i.e. fire department) youthful exuberance is a sought after trait. I was supportive of the new fire group, but I thought that would entail the merging of both departments wit h the changing of the chief, but apparently, I was wrong. (I will blog about that later.) So for those that likes to misconstrue any of my observations as negative. I would like to go on record saying, I think Merlene has done a wonderful job; thus far. She has done a great job reconciling the accounts, she has revamped the agenda (the numbering of the agenda items and printing on the front and back of the pages was an ingenious idea). Also, she has done a wonderful job with getting the deficit down in regard to the inactive water bill accounts but the fact that there’s a $100,000 + deficit in the water accounts because people have active and inactive accounts is, in itself, another issue altogether. However, she lost me when she said “the calculation of sick time and vacation pay for the public works employees was not of high importance.” Really? It may not be important to her, but I am certain that it is important to the men and now woman, that work on the public works department. I don’t know about those employees, but I check my sick time as well as vacation pay on every check to make sure I know what time I have available. So, it is important. I have a problem when a person want to get training on how to dispose of paperwork but does not have the same incentive to make sure employees know how much vacation time they have. In order to realize the importance of this information, one must take into consideration that the use of sick time, vacation pay and comp time was totally abused when handled by the previous clerk. It seemed that certain employees were off every week due to comp time while others were not allowed to get sick pay even when they were off work sick; with a doctor’s excuse. So, with the history of this issue, I would think this is a matter of importance. Another issue I would like to address is the matter that was brought up by Alderwoman at Large/Mayor Pro Tempore/Assist Mayor Cora Rogers. She said there is a need for job descriptions and I must concur. There is still some confusion about the office personnel and their actual position. For instance, do we have three clerks again or not. There seems to be some confusion about who is responsible for what. For instance, there was an new resident, Mr. Mike Orgeron (who insisted that his name was not pronounced incorrectly during the meeting) that was told by Bryan that water services could be supplied to his address on Wells Town Road. Now, one would think that this would be a call made by the Public Works Director and not the deputy water clerk/office assistant/water meter reader/assist public works director ( I facetious made all the titles because we don’t know what position he hold.) Again, I must make the disclaimer that I have no qualms with Bryan and he has not done anything against me for the sake of the Informer vultures that are looking for a dead issue to pick apart. WTBS. If water is supplied to this individual that said he is planning on making Lumberton his home after he retires, then the city will surely open the flood gates. There are a number of individuals that were annexed in by the city and were denied certain services because the costs to provide those services were prohibitive. Now, I think this individual has been sent to get this addressed and presented to the board for approval so that others will have a precedent set in order to follow through and demand the same services from the city; essentially, strapping the city; financially. That’s why it’s important to have individuals on the board that attended meetings before actually serving as an elected official. But then again, it could just be my over thinking the situation. ( I did warn you that I have a suspicious mind.) Now back to Ryan Easley, Public Works Director. I really didn’t appreciate his mannerism or his disrespectful tone when addressing the board. If he has a problem with Merlene Wall, then he needs to address those issues with her and not at the board meeting. Also, let’s address the clear spit bottle. I am troubled by seeing a department head spitting tobacco juice in a clear bottle while standing in front of the audience, right next to the individual that lobbied to have the City of Lumberton declared “Tobacco Free.” IJS. Personally, I don’t understand why there’s a problem with logging the work details of the public work employees. The members of the police department has to complete logs (and I will be using that information; especially when I notice I haven’t seen any officers patrol for over 4 hours; now I can log the times and take them to the chief to find out who was on duty and not patrolling.) Apologies, this post wasn’t about the police but you know how I flow. Well, at least one individual was singing the praises of Ryan and how he’s a hard working department head. Well, part of being a good department head, is making tough decisions. Everyone in Lumberton knows that there are at least two public works employees that are literally “riding” the clock and that takes away from those working hard, like Jimmy, Stanley, Richard, and even Otis. In my opinion, a log can be filled and the workers would be accountable for the work they performed that day. Now, I don’t think that would work for the garbage crews but it may work for those out in the trenches; so to speak. And while we’re on the subject of the public works employees, when has anyone other than Roy and Bryan, received a raise. Those hanging off the backs of garbage trucks, smelling rotten, and maggot infested trash certainly deserve a raise and the board need to look at their records and see when was the last time these guys were given a raise. We’re hiring more people and handing out raises for office personnel that has been here for a few months (well, it was on the agenda but never approved), why haven’t we looked for a way to provide a descent wage for those that see the worst side of all the residents of Lumberton. Well, I think I’ve been on my soapbox enough for today, but I have more to come. Take care.


  1. If you pay home owner's insurance be ready for your rates to go up. With the new fire department the fire rating of lumberton will go back up too a ten rating making your insurance more expensive.

  2. If you pay home owner's insurance be ready for your rates to go up. With the new fire department the fire rating of lumberton will go back up too a ten rating making your insurance more expensive.


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