2013: The Year of the Volunteer

The year known as 2013 is coming to a rapid end. So, where on the year in review shall I begin? This year has not been without its ups and downs, but there's still a reason to smile, while others choose to frown. This year there was an election to elect a new set of leaders. The fact that some chose not to participate, made me a believer. A believer that despite the fact that so many fought long and hard for the right to vote; others see the election process as just a joke. So many did not care who would serve as Mayor, as long as Mayor Miriam R. Holder was no longer sitting in that chair. They showed up to the polls, without any true direction. Other than their zeal to elect Ben Winston win the election. Winston was elected by abundance of votes in two wards and won the race of mayor. But I think after his four years, those that didn't vote, will eventually begin to care. Jay McGraw was re-elected and so was Kent Crider. Bobby Gibson was defeated and retreated like a spider...