It's a Steal Not a Deal

In case you didn't receive the notification, the Gold Coast Skydivers are having a Memorial Day Weekend Bash here in Lumberton. The event will be start this Friday and end on Memorial Day. The skydiving bonaza has the potential to make over $10,000 this weekend; not including the profits from sales of food, equipment and other services. As of now, 81 participants are attending but they have more slots available for the low price of $100/person. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anyone making money. I just wish we had elected officials that looked out for the city. Leann Igo, owner of the Gold Coast Skydivers, a non-profit organization, is doing what business owners do, making sure they make money and the City of Lumberton is bending over backwards to help her maintain that goal.

According to Kent Crider, the fair market price for the lease of an entire airport is $350/month. Leann was at a recent meeting and wanted a 10 year lease at $350/month. Who would blame her? I was sitting there like, you tried it! But to my surprise, the majority of the board didn't go along with the request despite the fact that a couple of board members were more than willing to sign off on the deal. Keep in mind that there were people paying twice that just to lease a place to sell doughnuts or collect bills but in Lumberton, $350/month is a fair price because our airport doesn't have a fueling station. There's 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom homes in Lumberton tnat a renting for $550/month and I don't think there's any weekend where the renters are making $10,000. But in Lumberton, you can rent an entire airport, charge for jumps, equipment and have your own cafe on the grounds while the taxpayers foot the bill for the hangers/buildings you use, pay the matching portion of grants for new projects that's not covered by the monthly rent of $350/month.

Does this cause anyone to scratch their heads? Keep in mind, the people that thought this was a great deal are the ones managing the city's budget. It amazes me that the mayor and board members want to make money but don't seem to want their city to prosper. I don't care if Leann Igo looked like Pamela Anderson during the Baywatch era, business is business. At the meeting where they voted on the lease price, it was noted that the City of Lumberton never reveived copies of the financial records from the Gold Coast Skydivers and that was one of the lease requirements. But they went ahead and gave her a 2 year lease extension anyway. Most of the people serving on the board have their own business and one would think they would make better business decisions. I guarantee you that Winston won't haul his heavy equipment and work for you at the same discounted rate they gave the skydivers group. I'm sure Kent expect payments not thank you when he compltes a job. When Tommy Dukes is selling barbeque or detailing cars, you're paying top dollar and I don't think Cora would still be in business if she relied on clients to tell her their salary instead of getting verification. They want to make money to support their families. Why is it so difficult for them to realize that the same is needed to support a city? Well, there's a few slots left for the Gold Coast Skydivers Memorial Day Weekend Bash. If that's something that interests you, sign up. At least somebody's making money.


  1. They're still selling food? I thought they had received two health department citations because of raw sewage on the property?

  2. You be on it. Now wonder they're using that dumb city clerk to try and shut you down. You're the voice of the people and you're being heard. I love your beautiful mind. Next time I go to pay my I Love the Lumberton Informer t-shirt I had made.

  3. Here we go again to all it may concern the gulf coast skydivers have fixed that sewer problem and no longer at this time is raw sewer on the ground how do know I asked someone who really knows

    1. Thank you anonymous. I'm glad you're able to get access to do much information in a city that has so many restrictions on public records. It must be nice to sit in the office all day with an all access pass. In case you didn't notice I was being facetious.

  4. Anonymous @ 1:23 pm. You said you asked someone who knows. Would you like to share their names because when I call city hall I get roadblocks not answers. When I try to get Danny Davis number I'm told they will give him my name and number but my calls are never returned. I try to access the public records and I'm told there's one key and the person with the key is at her lawyer's office. I would call the police but since there's usually one officer per shift I don't want to distract them from the stressful job of patrolling the city. So please share how you skillfully gather so much information when I can't get answers to sime questions? I would love to hear your answer.

  5. Have you ever approached the man and asked him anything instead of everything the man does you cretisize you call him a racist I don't blame him for not having a damn thing to do with you the public works dept has an advocate as of now I suggest you be a man and just look the man in his eye and ask him directly if you need to know something

    1. To the AA (Anonymous Advocate) I'm so glad you have direct access to the public works director and think that the fact that every citizen don't agree with his methods warrants the infantile behavior of not returning calls. If Danny was really concerned about criticisms directed towards him he can, as you say, man up and address them because I'm at every meeting. Here's another method. Answer his own damn calls. He's a department head and he's the longest serving department head. Why is he screening his calls through the city clerk? To me it gives him deniability. I've left several messages for him and he's never returned my calls. So he can't complain about the things I post when he refuses to directly answer questions. So he's either not getting my messages or he's refusing to return my calls. Either way, it shows a lack of concern. When I have questions for the Chief of Police, I call her office. If she's not in, I leave a message and she always return my calls; like a department head should. So kudos to your new role as advocate and I look forward to having you respond anonymously on behalf of the Public Works Director. Sarcasm definitely intended.


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