WANTED: Votes and Candidates for Sale

Imagine my surprise when I heard about Paul Ockmond going to and fro like a irritating Chihuahua looking for someone to devour or bite on the ankle. Although I suspected for years that Paul and his crew were buying votes but now they're looking for someone to run against me and they're allegedly looking to buy votes to keep Kent Crider in the Mayor's seat. Apparently the Enterprising Bubbas fell short when they looked were slithering through the streets of Lumberton, looking for a candidate to split the votes in an effort to keep Alderman Quincy Rogers out of the Mayor's office so they're resorting to "buying" votes with promises of things to come and the ever allusive jobs that will come to fruition something after another four years of deception. Allegedly, of course. Just so we're clear, there will be jobs and an influx of money but it will be for the Enterprising Bubba's not you. They will give a few of their imps a few scraps to satisfy their hunger pangs but the meat of the deal with stay with the inner circle.

Ask yourself why is Paul so interested in the outcome of the Lumberton municipal election? He does not live within the city limits? He's just the unofficial building and code inspector? So what does Paul has to gain? Well......EVERYTHING! Paul and his group of cronies have raped this city for years and they're not finished. There's several reasons why the mayor's seat is so important. That seat offers the person holding that seat the first line of contact with every business and potential business that's planning or thinking about coming to the City of Lumberton. The person in that seat can steer the potential business in another direction and work with the person/people that offer them use of their building (rent free) to allow them to obtain ownership of the prime property within the city. But what does that have to do with Paul Ockmond? Well, I'm glad you asked. If you recall, when the Louisiana Connection plotted to take over the City of Lumberton, Paul Ockmond was one of the first ones to darken our streets. He came to check on the soil? Were the fertile or poor? After putting out some feelers, Paul determined that the people were easily swayed and that he, and his business partners, could take the land and they've been doing that year after year.

It's no surprise that Paul Ockmond linked up with Ben Winston and Bobby Gibson. I recall listening to a TD Jakes sermon and he was advising his congregation about how to identify a person's character. He said just watch the new person that comes to church and watch the people they attach themselves to; the people they gravitate towards is and indication of their character. It's not scientific but it's seemingly applies in this case. Shortly after Ockmond arrived, Aaron Lott popped up and he was attached to the hip with the crew of Bubba's. Interesting. I'm still investigating the connection and the fact that Paul Ockmond has removed his hood and promising to do whatever it takes to keep me off the Board of Aldermen and the fact that he's actually offering to buy support to get someone to oppose Quincy Rogers, allegedly speaking, is an indication that they're afraid of losing control. I guess they'll try to sell the National Guard Armory immediately because they're nervous about the upcoming election.

Again, what will Paul gain by keeping the currently elected crooks in office? In case you forgot, Paul Ockmond, the building inspector and code enforcer is also a realtor (talk about conflict of interest). Paul gets 6% from the sale of houses, land, businesses and he also get to hid his hands during the process. If he refers the sale to a friend (business associate) he can get another 2% from the sale. With a Mayor and board in their pocket, they get to know which property is being checked out by potential businesses and by banning the Lumberton Planning and Zoning Committee, the only people that know about the prospective business is the ones in the circle. In order to obtain new blood, they can then call in a favor and give someone use of a building with no rent and then use that favor to leverage the give away or sale of another prime piece of property. Here's an example. Custom Pre-Cast was purchased through a quick claim deed. The property was sold well below fair market price and the owners then crushed all of the concrete on the site and tripled or quadrupled their profits because they got the property at a very reduced price. Can you guess who the owners are? Lamar County purchased a large amount of crushed concrete during the months of November and December and the City of Lumberton did not profit in any way; no one from Lumberton was hired and the Bubba's got another notch on their belt because they were able to bag another deal. These alleged men of God are treating the City of Lumberton like the Whore of Babylon and screwing the citizens in the process. The 2017 election cycle has just begun and I can't wait to see who they managed to "rent" in order for them to retain control. Sell outs are always for sale but it's time to let Pimp Daddy Paul know that our voice and our votes are not for sale; especially not to the lowest bidder.


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